FU Services & Contact Points
Dahlem Research School is the center for junior researchers at Freie Universität Berlin.
DRS provides continuous, systematic and sustainability-oriented support to early career researchers. It develops strategies and measures to assure and improve the quality of graduate education and, on the other hand, offers an extensive qualification program.
In addition, DRS provides comprehensive information on doctoral studies at Freie Universität and offers individual and institutional advice. Special consideration is given to the needs of international researchers.
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Our Welcome Service is happy to answer any questions you might have about getting settled in at Freie Universität. We are here to help!
This website gives you an overview of all the different offers, service points, and contact persons at Freie Universität Berlin, as well as information on events that might help you while settling in. We are also glad to discuss these topics further with you in person.
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The research funding service team (VI C) supports all the scientists and scholars at Freie Universität in all matters related to research funding. The team members provide targeted and specific information about current funding calls from third-party sources, as well as information about particular funding programs that could come into question for a particular person. In addition, they provide advice about procedures regarding the application for and administration of external funds. However, the unit’s monitoring and support activities involving the progress of these research projects go beyond purely budgetary and financial activities.
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As institutions dedicated to research, teaching, and the advancement of early-career researchers, universities are charged with safeguarding high academic and ethical standards.
This is a commitment that Freie Universität Berlin takes very seriously and is reflected in its seal: Veritas, Iustitia, Libertas. Honesty and integrity, fairness and trust are the principles that underpin scientific and academic work at Freie Universität Berlin.
Freie Universität’s new Statute for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice (GWP-Satzung) was approved in December 2020, replacing the Code of Honor for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice from 2002. This statute provides a framework for academic work at Freie Universität Berlin and provides a list of the rules governing good research practice. Moreover, it incorporates the guidelines of the DFG Code of Conduct for Good Research Practice in a legally binding document. The Coordination Office for Research Integrity has been established to oversee the implementation of the Statute for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and to act as a point of contact for all members of Freie Universität Berlin seeking advice on good research practice.
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The libraries of Freie Universität Berlin have the common task of ensuring a user-oriented supply of literature and information for research, teaching, study and other professional and academic purposes. The Central Library (Garystr. 39) offers a large number of individual and group workstations. There is also a wide range of (learning) resources for students, teaching staff and researchers.
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Das Weiterbildungszentrum ist eine zentrale Einrichtung der Freien Universität Berlin. Wir bieten den Beschäftigten der Freien Universität und Gästen aus Hochschulen, Forschungs- und Kultureinrichtungen sowie Privatpersonen Qualifizierungsmöglichkeiten, Beratung und Unterstützung in verschiedenen Feldern.
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FUB-ContinuEd, the international continuing education program of Freie Universität Berlin
If you find yourself at the start of your career, looking for additional skills and competences relevant to any workplace of the future, we invite you to read on.
Or if you already are an experienced professional, wondering where to gain more knowledge about present-day essential topics in the working world, you have come to the right place, too.
FUB-ContinuEd provides you with easy-access, high-quality, flexible and affordable courses that will enhance your personal education and professional self-confidence as well as your CV. Add a certificate to your competence profile from one of the most renowned German universities and get a sound introduction to topics like diversity, intercultural communication, sustainability, and many more.
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We appreciate your interest in gender- and diversity conscious teaching at university.
On the following pages you will find introductory information, practical advice for your classroom, and suggestions for further reading.
We hope you find the reading interesting and the implementation rewarding!
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“Diversity” refers to our ability and readiness to acknowledge and value the many interlinked differences and commonalities between groups of people, and to dismantle barriers that prevent people from being able to participate equally in society. Antidiscrimination is thus an inherent aspect of our understanding of diversity here at Freie Universität Berlin.
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Our psychological counseling service offers you individual counseling, training courses, and workshops. We can support you in your personal development and in improving your study skills. Students come to us for help with a range of personal problems:
- Issues with motivation, orientation at the university, and making decisions
- Anxiety about tests and public speaking
- Writer’s block
- Learning problems and procrastination
- Stress, overloading, depression
- Requests for therapy and finding therapy arrangements
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Hier findet sich alles rund um das Thema Studieren mit Beeinträchtigungen
an der Freien Universität Berlin.
Wir unterstützen beeinträchtige Studierende, Studieninteressierte und deren Angehörige sowie Lehrende und Mitarbeitende bei allen mit dem barrierefreien Studium in Zusammenhang stehenden Fragen. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, eine gleichberechtigte und selbstbestimmte Teilhabe am Studium im Sinne der UN-BRK zu ermöglichen. Der Campus der FU Berlin bietet bereits viele barrierefreie Angebote.
Wir bieten eine Beratung zu vielfältigen Themen an - von der Bewerbung zum Studium mit Sonderantrag, zu nachteilsausgleichenden Regelungen bis zur Vermittlung zu weiteren Ansprechstellen. Sie ist bedarfsgerecht, lösungsorientiert und vertraulich.
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The information you find here explains what constitutes sexualized harassment, discrimination, and violence as well as where you can find help and support to hopefully prevent them from ever happening. The website also includes information about available counseling services for harassed and assaulted people and laws against sexualized discrimination and sexualized violence.
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Wir sind eine Initiative der ZE Studienberatung und Psychologischen Beratung in Zusammenarbeit mit den Fachbereichen zum Aufbau eines psychosozialen Unterstützungsnetzwerks auf dem Campus. Unser Anliegen ist die Förderung der mentalen Gesundheit an der FU Berlin. Dazu haben wir an den Fachbereichen support.points eingerichtet, als erste Anlaufstelle für Studierende, Promovierende und Mitarbeitende zur Unterstützung bei Problemen im Studien- und Arbeitsalltag.
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Alle Hochschulangehörige – Studierende, Promovierende, Professor*innen, Mitarbeitende, Lehrbeauftragte – haben das Recht sich beraten zu lassen, wenn sie eine Situation erfahren haben, die sie als ungerecht oder respektlos erlebt haben, auch wenn sie nicht sicher sind, ob das, was sie erlebt haben, Diskriminierung, sexuelle Belästigung, Mobbing oder Stalking war.
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Profund Innovation is the service institution for knowledge and technology transfer within the research division of Freie Universität. We support students, scholars, scientists, researchers and alumni in developing application ideas for their research and realizing innovations. In our activities to support innovation, we work with scholars, scientists, and researchers to explore the application potential of their research and consult on what the most suitable path of commercialization is.
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Gründungsgeschehen am Campus aktiv mitgestalten
NFUSION ist eine Community von Entrepreneur*innen aus allen Gründungs- und Unternehmensphasen aus den Reihen der Freien Universität Berlin sowie kooperierender Einrichtungen wie Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin und Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung. Gründer*innen junger Unternehmen treffen auf erfolgreiche Entrepreneur*innen und interessierte Expert*innen zu Fragen zum Gründungsökosystem.
NFUSION bietet den idealen Rahmen, um auf exklusiven Veranstaltungen neue Kontakte zu knüpfen, bestehende Kontakte aufzufrischen und an der lebendigen Gründungskultur der FU teilzuhaben. Die Mitglieder des Netzwerks stellen einen Zugang zu vielfältiger Expertise aus den verschiedensten Fachbereichen der Freien Universität Berlin sowie vielen Branchen bereit.
NFUSION ist ein Kapitel der Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft der Freunde, Förderer und Ehemaligen der Freien Universität Berlin e.V. (ERG e.V.), einer Förderinstitution, die sich dem wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs widmet und die der Freien Universität Berlin ideell und materiell zur Seite steht. NFUSION-Mitglied zu werden, bedeutet gleichzeitig ERG-Mitglied zu sein und von allen ERG-Vorteilen profitieren zu können.
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We arrange accommodation for international exchange and program students as well as international visiting scholars of Freie Universität Berlin. We have a certain number of accommodation available for student accommodation, for which you can register via this website. Please note: The number of accommodations is limited, the distribution is based on the "first-come-first-served" principle. If all options are written off, the registration closes.
We do also offer a contact point for the accommodation of international guest scientists, for which you can register via this website, too.
On the following pages you will find information about the different accommodation options, the conditions and the registration process for exchange students of FUB.
You will also find useful tips on finding a flat and our FAQs.