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71 | Rust, silver ... wood!

Illustration: Yves Haltner

Illustration: Yves Haltner

Rust, silver ... wood! The new building complex, clad in cedar wood, opened in 2015. The Holzlaube is connected to the Silberlaube and houses seminar rooms, offices, and the Campus Library. The latter contains the holdings of seventeen institute libraries from the smaller subjects of the Department of History and Cultural Studies.


Sources and additional information

“New” and “old” are not contradictions at Fabeck Strasse 23/25: the characteristic architecture of rust and silver arbors was continued in 2005 with the opening of the “Holzlaube.” Architect Florian Nagler based the structure of the façade of the existing building. For the exterior, he opted for wood cladding, which corresponds to the zeitgeist and “sustainable building.” It is Canadian cedar stained gray to even out the uneven natural graying process.

The smaller subjects of the Department of History and Cultural Studies moved into the Holzlaube. There is also a new Campus Library, which contains the holdings of seventeen former institute libraries.