Space for everyone. Dismantling structural barriers, excluding no one, fostering equitable participation. In 2021 Freie Universität passed a Diversity Strategy and Action Plan designed to achieve specific goals and measures to work toward reducing discrimination at the university and promoting inclusivity.
Sources and additional information
Diversity refers to our ability and readiness to acknowledge and value the many interlinked differences and commonalities between groups of people, and to dismantle barriers that prevent people from being able to participate equally in society. Antidiscrimination is thus included in Freie Universität Berlin’s understanding of diversity.
Freie Universität accepts responsibility for recognizing and promoting diversity and for recognizing mechanisms of exclusion. Its approach is both self-critical and sensitive to power dynamics. The university endeavors to enable everyone to participate equally and to provide an environment conducive to appreciation in teaching, learning, and working situations. It pursues these overarching goals with a diversity strategy, which is documented in its Diversity Strategy and Action Plan with concrete goals and measures.