Outer space on screen. Since 2004 the European space probe Mars Express has been sending raw data from its special camera to Earth. Scientists at Freie Universität use these data to create maps, three-dimensional images, and films of the surface of the Red Planet.
Sources and additional information
By now almost the entire surface of Mars has been imaged by the German High Resolution Stereo Camera (HSRC), which is on board the probe. The Planetology and Remote Sensing group at the Institute of Geological Sciences at Freie Universität is now working on seamlessly merging the individual images to create a high-resolution global map of Mars. The HSRC was developed at the German Aerospace Center under the direction of Professor Gerhard Neukum. The physicist, who died in 2014, joined Freie Universität Berlin as a professor in 2002, where he established the field of planetology and remote sensing.