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72 | Available to all

Illustration: Yves Haltner

Illustration: Yves Haltner

Available to all. In 2008 Freie Universität was one of the first German universities to adopt an open access policy. That means there should be free access to scholarly literature and other materials on the internet — worldwide and without a paywall!


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Freie Universität has advocated for the free availability of scientific knowledge in the spirit of open access for many years. In 2008 it was one of the first German universities to adopt an open access policy. The university supports access to free knowledge and open science. Open access publications are digitally available worldwide, permanently accessible without legal, technical, or financial hurdles. Individual researchers and science as a whole benefit from the free and immediate availability of scientific findings. Open access is an important step toward strengthening the relationship between science and society and democratizing research.