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37 | Climate in mind

Illustration: Yves Haltner

Illustration: Yves Haltner

Climate in mind. From 2001 to 2021 the campus-related CO2 emissions sank by 88.5 percent. Technology, construction projects, and creative teams in the academic departments all contributed to this reduction. Since 2010 the university has been getting electricity exclusively from renewable energy sources, including solar panels on the roofs of university buildings.

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By implementing energy efficiency programs Freie Universität was able to reduce its electricity and heat consumption by 30 percent between 2001 and 2021. In addition to technical and structural measures, a green IT program and a bonus system for the academic departments also contributed to the reductions.

From 2001 to 2021 the campus-related CO2 emissions of the university were reduced by 88.5 percent. This was partly due to the fact that since 2010 the university has been getting energy exclusively from renewable energy sources, i.e., CO2 free. The Berlin House of Representatives made this a requirement for all the universities in Berlin. Since 2012, nine solar systems with an output of 671 kW have also been installed on the campus of Freie Universität Berlin. The use of photovoltaic energy is to be expanded considerably in the coming years.