56 | In the boondocks
Two months after the end of World War II, in July 1945, the four-power agreement came into force in Berlin. Lankwitz, with barracks blocks on Malteser Strasse and Eiswald Strasse, fell under American control. In the first years after the end of the war, the buildings were used as schools for children from the surrounding area whose schools had been partially or completely destroyed. In 1949 the teacher training college (Pädagogische Hochschule) in West Berlin moved to the former barracks in Lankwitz. In the summer semester of 1949, the Lankwitz site began to be used for university training for education students. From 1981 to 2007, the Department of Communication Sciences (as it used to be called) was located there. Today, the Lankwitz Campus is home to the University Archives, the Department of Earth Sciences (since 1992), the Studienkolleg preparatory college, and the FUBiS and FU-BEST programs.
- History of the Earth Sciences Campus in Lankwitz (in German)
- Article in the Tagesspiegel newspaper supplement about the Earth Sciences Campus in Lankwitz, posted July 2, 2022 (in German)