Research Integrity
"Scientific integrity forms the basis for trustworthy research. It is an example of academic voluntary commitment that encompasses a respectful attitude towards peers, research participants, animals, cultural assets, and the environment, and strengthens and promotes vital public trust in research. The constitutionally guaranteed freedom of research is inseparably linked to a corresponding responsibility. Taking this responsibility into full account and embedding it in individual conduct is an essential duty for every researcher and for the institutions where research is carried out."
(Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice, DFG September 2019, Page 7)
Doctoral Program "Natural Sciences"
The new Code of Conduct for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice at Freie Universität came into force on December 4, 2020, and replaces the previous Code of Honor. It takes into account the guidelines for safeguarding good scientific practice adopted by the German Research Foundation in September 2019. All members of the PhD program "Natural Sciences" at the departments BCP, Earth Sciences and Physics commit themselves to follow the rules and ethical standards for good scientific practice in all scientific activities. Training in good scientific practice and research integrity is an integral part of the curriculum of the PhD program and is ensured by means of offerings from the participating departments, the Dahlem Research School (DRS) and Berlin University Alliance (BUA).