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Call for Applications

Partial Tuition Scholarships available for Freie Universität Berlin International Summer University FUBiS

Nr. 79/2007 vom 02.05.2007

The Freie Universität Berlin International Summer University (FUBiS) in cooperation with the DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service – will award partial tuition scholarships for the participation in the FUBiS’ second summer term (July 21st – August 18th). The scholarships amount to 615 Euro each and will be awarded in a two cycle selection process. The deadline for the first cycle is May 15, 2007, the deadline for the second cycle is June 4, 2007 (date of postmark).

FUBiS offers intensive summer and winter programs and attracts over 500 students from all five continents every year. Founded in 1998, FUBiS is proud to cooperate with a number of renowned partner universities, e.g. University of California Berkeley, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Columbia University, the New School, and the Juilliard School.

The intensive summer courses in history, art history, literature, philosophy, cultural studies, environmental law, and political science explore and analyze Berlin, Germany, and Europe from a variety of perspectives. Instruction at FUBiS takes place inside as well as outside the classroom. Depending on the course, FUBiS students attend international conferences and specially organized and exclusive round-table discussions with decision makers and diplomats, attend press-screenings at the Berlinale international film festival, and participate in special tours of museums, memorial sites, and cultural institutions in Berlin, Weimar, Dresden, and Prague.

The language of instruction is English and courses are held by distinguished German, American, and international faculty. In addition, FUBiS offers intensive and semi-intensive German language classes on five different levels of proficiency. FUBiS fully authorized to grant credits which students can transfer to their home universities. Every student receives a transcript.

Further Information

Detailed information on the application process, the entire program, fees, housing, excursions, cultural immersion activities, and registration can be found on our website at www.fubis.org or by Email at heyder@fubis.org.

Contact details:

Jessica Heyder, Freie Universität Berlin – International Summer and Winter University FUBiS Communications, c/o ERG Universitätsservice GmbH, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26, 14195 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 30 838 73 447, Fax: +49 30 838 73 442, Email: heyder@fubis.org, www.fubis.org