A-Z Welcome Service
The A-Z enables quick access to the most important terms. If you cannot find a term you are looking for, please send it to us by email and we will add it immediately.
Abbreviations at Freie Universität Berlin
Here you can find a list of common abbrevations at Freie Universität Berlin.
Academic Senate of Freie Universität Berlin
Here you can find contact information and a brief protrait on the academic senate at Freie Universität.
Accepting Rewards/Gifts
Here you can find the circular on the prohibition on accepting rewards and gifts (in German).
Accommodation Service
You can find more information on the Accommodation Service for international guest scientists here.
Annual Pass - Botanic Garden
Freie Universität employees are entitled to an annual pass for the Botanic Garden at a reduced rate. Besides the individual concession, the Botanic Garden also offers a reduced annual “Freie Universität Family Ticket. You can find further information here.
Berlin Immigration Office
You can find more information on Berlin's Immigration Office, how to apply for a residence permit, etc. here.
Blogs are open to all members of Freie Universität Berlin. Find more information on that here.
Center für Digitale Systeme - CeDis is the center for digital systems and center of competence for e-learning, e-research and multimedia at the University Library.
Chief Gender Equality Officer
Here you can find the website of the chief gender equality officer at Freie Universität Berlin.
CMS Content Management System
Official websites of all university institutions and projects of Freie Universität Berlin are maintained through the central content management system (CMS). You can find more information here.
Continuing Professional Development Policy
You can access the continuing professional development policy here.
Contracts for Work and Services
This is where you will find further information on contracts for work and services.
Should you experience discrimination in your working environment, you have numerous contact persons at your disposal.
District Office
Within two weeks of moving into a new place, you need to register at one of the 40 district offices in Berlin. Find more information here.
Dual Career & Family Service
You can find more information on the Dual Career & Family Service's website.
E-Learning and E-Research
The CeDis (center for digital systems) offers e-learning and e-research courses.
You can find information on elections at Freie Universität Berlin on the Central Election Board website.
Departmental Council
Section 13 of the Supplemental Rules and Regulations [Teilgrundordnung] of Freie Universität Berlin stipulates the regulations on the elections and responsibilities of the department council (Fachbereichsrat).
Division II – Finances, Procurement, and Position Management has compiled a comprehensive glossary on all budget specific and finance related topics, from arithmetical accuracy to visiting professors.
Flextime sheet
Here you can find templates and further information on the flexitime sheets.
Please see working hours for more information on the flexitime policy.
Foreign Languages
Employees at Freie Universität can learn different languages and take lessons and exams at the Center for Continuing Education (Weiterbildungszentrum). Find more information here.
General Closure
Please see here for more information on the changes to the university's annual general closure.
Health Management
You can find more information on the health management at Freie Universität and it's offers here.
For training in IT and university specific software, see CeDiS's training offers (training available in English by request), or visit the Center for Continuing Education website.
Mensa (student cafeteria)
Here you can find more information on the opening hours, locations and offers at the Mensas and cafeterias on campus.
Non-discriminatory language
Find more information and rules on the use of non-discriminatory language at FUB here.
Occupational Health and Safety
Information on occupational health and safety can be found here:
Occupational Health and Safety
You will find information on first aid, reporting accidents, and accident insurance below:
First Aid and Accidents
Occupational Health Management
Here you can find more information on occupational health management at Freie Universität here.
Occupational Medicine Center
Please refer to the Occupational Medicine Center for more information and contact details.
Occupational Safety
You can find a description of the responsibilities and contact information of the Occupational Safety Service here.
Occupational, Health and Environmental Management System (AGUM)
The AGUM occupational health and safety and environmental protection management system forms the basis for EMAS validation.
For more information on EMAS validation, click here or contact the Sustainability & Energy Unit team.
Office of the General Counsel
The Office of the General Council can support members of Freie Universität with regards to legal matters. The advice does not include labour, general civil service and private law matters.
Paid Leave
Employees, pursuant to Section 28 of the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector governing the the German federal states as it applies to Freie Universität Berlin (TVL FU), and German civil servants (“Beamte/Beamtinnen”), pursuant to the Special Leave Act (SurlVO) of March 7, 2007, may receive paid leave on request for specific exceptional circumstances without their salary or remuneration being cut for the respective period. This applies to the following occasions, among others:
- 25- and 40-year work anniversaries → one working day (a separate regulation applies to civil servants; please refer to Circular V of February 2007).
- Spouse/partner goes into labor → one working day
- Death of a spouse/partner, child, or parent → two working days
- A member of your household becomes seriously ill → one working day per calendar year
- Medical treatment, if this needs to take place during working hours → the medically required period of absence, including travel times
Peer Counseling (Help with Addiction)
Find more information on the peer counseling (for help with addiction issues) here.
Personal Liability Insurance
Find more information on the topic of personal liability insurance here.
Phased Return to Work
You can find detailes information on the phased return to work at Freie Universität Berlin in the staff circular "Personalblatt" 01/2017 (in German), and on the department website.
Privacy Policy
Find more information on Freie Universität's privacy policy, IT security and data protection officers.
Reception for New Appointees
It has been a tradition for many years that the President of Freie Universität Berlin welcomes new professors in January.
Recruitment Process
- Recrutiment forms, information
- Regulations according to the circular FU-Rundschreiben Nr.01/2008. (in German)
Recycling and Waste
- Recycling and Waste Management at Freie Universität Berlin
- Disposal of Special Waste
At the end of your employment and upon request, the personnel department can issue a reference in cooperation with your supervisor. Subject to approval, you can apply for an interim letter (Zwischenzeugnis) during your employment. Please note that reference requests are subject to time limits and might not be granted during certain periods.
Reimbursement of Expenses
You can find information on the reimbursement of expenses in the glossary of budget system terms.
Remote Working
Find more information on the regulations for remote working here. Please see here for the temporary remote work policy ("home office") for the 2024 summer semester onwards (April 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025).
- Find the application form to work regularly from home (telecommuting) here.
Remuneration Statement
Find all information (explanations and self-service portal Elsa) here. (in German)
Representatives for Individuals with Severe Disabilities
Currently, the representatives for individuals with severe disabilities are distributed over two areas:
Research Sabbatical for One Semester
Here you can find more information and the application formfor a research sabbatical.
Residence Permit
The Passport Service at Freie Universität can help you with applying for a residence permit.
Retirement Provision for Civil Servants
Here you can find more information and application forms about the additional private pension for civil servants (in German).
Retirement Provision for Employees
Find more information on the supplementary pension scheme, VBL (Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder) here.
Secondary Employment
- More information on ancillary activities/secondary employment
- Notice of secondary employment form
Student Records and Registration Office
Here you can find information on the Student Records and Registration Office (e.g., enrollment, CampusCard, termination of studies)
• Climate Emergency - Freie Universität Berlin has declared a climate emergency on December 17, 2019. Find more information here.
• In May 2011, the Executive Board of Freie Universität adopted an Environmental Mission Statement as part of its environmental management system.
• With the adoption of its Sustainability Mission Statement in March 2016, Freie Universität Berlin committed itself to the principles of sustainable development in research, teaching, and campus management. Find more information here.
• Second Climate Protection Agreement - Freie Universität Berlin and the State of Berlin entered into a new climate protection agreement on April 9, 2018.
• Freie Universität Berlin’s environmental management system is based on the internationally valid ISO standard 14001 supplemented by the requirements of EMAS. At the FU Berlin, this is called "AGUM" for Occupational Health and Environmental Protection Management System.
• Sustainability Tours on Campus
Find more information on the website of the Sustainabilty and Energy Unit.
Taking Leave for Further Education and Training (Bildungszeit)
Learn more about the opportunity to take leave for further education and training (Bildungszeit).
Here you can find more information as well as the agreement on telecommuting and remote working.
Telephone System
Find more information on the telephone system, for example: "how to set up your telephone" here.
Una Europa
Eleven leading European research universities have come together to create a unique alliance – Una Europa. Their common goal is to expand and strengthen existing partnerships in teaching, research, and education. Find out more here.
Unemployment Insurance
Find more information here or on the website of the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit)
University Sports Center
Visit the University Sports Center website to find all information and offers.
Wikis offer a wide range of opportunities to plan and implement projects in teaching, studying, research and administration. The central wiki sites are open to all members of Freie Universität and its project partners.
The Computing Services team – ZEDAT – can advise you on setting up your work computer and fixing problems you might encounter later on. They are also responsible for providing any software you need for your work.