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Promoting Gender Equity

The Chief Gender Equality Officer of Freie Universität Berlin and her team support the Executive Board and other central boards and committees of Freie Universität in implementing legislative requirements related to gender equity.

The departmental women’s representatives/gender equality officers work toward establishing equal opportunities for women in their respective areas.

Chief Gender Equality Officer

Dr. Corinna Tomberger

Deputy Chief Gender Equality Officer

Dr. Katrin Gengenbach Katharina Schmidt Nora Tuchelt

Email: frauenbeauftragte@fu-berlin.de | Visit our team website page for additional contact information.


FUTURA – Professional Training for Gender Equity Representatives

Logo der FUTURA-Weiterbildung

This series of workshops is designed for anyone working closely with gender equity issues in their professional life. The program is offered in cooperation with the Center for Continuing Education.

STEM Mentoring for Girls and Young Women


The mentoring program includes workshops, job shadowing, and internships for girls and young women interested in physics, computer science, and Earth science.

Against Sexualized Harassment and Violence

Für Selbstbestimmung und ein respektvolles Miteinander

Freie Universität Berlin expects everyone at our university to treat others with respect. That includes keeping the university free from sexualized harassment, discrimination, and violence through prevention and awareness measures, counseling and support services, as well as guidelines and conduct policies. You can get more information on the “No Means No” website.

For Equitable Participation, against Discrimination


Freie Universität Berlin established the Diversity and Antidiscrimination Office in 2023 in order to actively promote diversity and counteract discriminatory mechanisms. The Diversity@fu portal provides comprehensive information about, for example, nondiscriminatory language.

Gender and Diversity Skills for Teaching

The Toolbox is an online resource that provides information, practical ideas, and other resources for teachers interested in making their classrooms and curricula more aware of gender and diversity topics. The Toolbox team also regularly holds workshops and webinars for instructors at Freie Universität.