This Special Lecture Series is designed to deepen the themes of Korean History involved in historical and cultural sites in Kwangju and near area. It is for participants of FU-IKS Summer School 2023 as well as for general audience interested in this topic.
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Glomb (Professor, Korean Institute at Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
Vladimir Glomb studied East Asian Studies, Korean Studies and Philosophy at Charles University Prague (M.A. 2004) and, as a postgraduate, Philosophy and Confucian studies at Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul/Korea.He earned his Ph.D. in the History and Culture of Asian and African Countries from Charles Prague University in 2010. Since 2007, he has been lecturing on Korean Philosophy and Language at the Department of Korean Studies at Charles University, where he was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the year 2010. Vladimir Glomb’s fields of expertise include Confucianism, Korean Philosophy, classical Korean and premodern Korea. Next to many articles he recently published two books, one on Classical Korean [Klasická korejština] (co-authored with Vladimir Pucek, 2013) and Shapes of Korea [Podoby Koreje] (editor, 2013).
Zeit & Ort
24.05.2023 | 16:15 - 17:45
Online: Webex
Weitere Informationen
Dr. Hyondok Choe (hyondok.choe[at]