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Matriculation Ceremonies at Freie Universität Berlin

Prominent guest speakers of previous matriculation ceremonies

Prominent guest speakers of previous matriculation ceremonies
Image Credit: Freie Universitaet Berlin

Federal President Horst Köhler, Sir Peter Ustinov, Vicco von Bülow alias "Loriot" and Carola Stern are only four of the prominent guest speakers at matriculation ceremonies Freie Universität Berlin initiated to welcome new students.

Beginning with the 50th anniversary of the founding of Freie Universität, matriculation ceremonies were held at the beginning of each semester to welcome the academic youth on behalf of the entire university. After the matriculation ceremony, an orientation fair was held, giving institutions of Freie Universität Berlin an opportunity to present themselves  to the new students.

As of 2009 the new students enrolling at Freie Universität are welcomed by their respective departments at the beginning of the fall/winter semester.


Guest Speakers at the Matriculation Ceremonies:

Matriculation Ceremony: November 5, 2008

Federal President Horst Köhler
"Toleranz, intellektuelle Redlichkeit und Herzensbildung"

Matriculation Ceremony: October 24, 2007

Bischof Wolfgang Huber

Bishop Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Huber
Chair of the Council of the German Protestant Church
"Wissenschaft verantworten"

Winter Semester 2006/2007: October 18, 2006

Sandra Maischberger

Sandra Maischberger
"Aufruf zur Leidenschaft"

Winter Semester 2005/2006: October 19, 2005

Dr. Christan Bode

Dr. Christan Bode
Secretary General of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
"Über den Wert des Wanderns in der Wissenschaft"

Summer Semester 2005: April 13, 2005

Christoph Gottschalk

Christoph Gottschalk
Advisor to the French Prime Minister Raffarin
"Bildung in Freiheit, Verantwortung und Vielfalt - Anmerkungen zur Elitedebatte"

Winter Semester 2004/2005: October 20, 2004

Dr. Markus Merk

Dr. Markus Merk
Referee for the final games of the European Football Championshiop 2004
"Leistung und Fairplay im Studium"

Summer Semester 2004: April 14, 2004

Dr. Dr. h. c. Hildegard Hamm-Brücher

Dr. Dr. h. c. Hildegard Hamm-Brücher
Retired Minister of State and Curator of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
"Chancengerechtigkeit und lebenslanges Lernen - Anmerkungen zu hochschul- und demokratiepolitischen Herausforderungen"

Winter Semester 2003/2004: October 22, 2003

Sir Peter Ustinov

Sir Peter Ustinov
Actor, writer, director, artist, and journalist, Ambassador for UNESCO and the United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF

Summer Semester 2003: April 16, 2003

Carola Stern

Carola Stern
"Schriftsteller und Politik in Deutschland - ein Rückblick auf das 20. Jahrhundert"

Winter Semester 2002/2003: October 16, 2002

Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Roth

Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Roth
Neurobiologist and Philosopher
"Wie funktioniert mein Gedächtnis und wie kann ich es verbessern?"

Summer Semester 2002: April 14, 2002

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Baumert

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Baumert
Director of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, PISA
Education Researcher
"Über die Voraussetzung der Erziehung der Hochschullehrer"

Winter Semester 2001/2002: October 18, 2001

Klaus Wowereit

Klaus Wowereit
Governing Mayor of the City of Berlin

Summer Semester 2001: April 18, 2001

Prof. Hans-Olaf Henkel

Prof. Hans-Olaf Henkel
Retired President of the Federation of German Industries
"Freedom or Equality" (in German)

Winter Semester 2000/2001: October 2000

Dr. Michel Friedmann

Dr. Michel Friedman
Jurist, Vice President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Television Moderator, and Cultural Policy Maker
"Vielfalt statt Einfalt"

Summer Semester 2000: April 19, 2000

Robert Gernhardt

Robert Gernhardt
"Reading Pays" (in German)

Winter Semester 1999/2000: October 20, 1999

Vicco von Bülow

Vicco von Bülow alias "Loriot"
Humorist, Actor, Director
"Rede an die Jugend"



  • Carola Stern
  • Christoph Gottschalk
  • Hildegard Hamm-Brücher
  • Jürgen Baumert
  • Klaus Wowereit
  • Loriot
  • Markus Merk
  • Michael Friedmann
  • Peter Ustinov
  • Robert Gernhardt