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Digital Humanities and Open Science

07.05.2020 | 17:00 - 19:00
Invitation to a discussion and networking event on Open Science at Freie Unversität Berlin

The event is the fourth public meeting of Freie Universität Berlin’s Open Science Working Group, an initiative that seeks to advance open science and open scholarship practices at Freie Universität Berlin.

The event will be held as a virtual meeting (via webex, please register in advance!) and aims to discuss digital humanities and open science as well as ways of fostering and implementing open research practices in the humanities with an introductory talk of:

The talk will be followed by an open discussion initiated with short 'impulse' talks on DH practices and challenges of realizing open science in (digital) literary history by Lindsey Drury (Research-Track Postdoc) and Franziska Diehr (IT-Researcher) of the FU Cluster of Excellence “Temporal Communities - Doing Literature in a Global Perspective”.

As members of the Cluster’s Research Area 5 “Building Digital Communities” Drury and Diehr address the development and use of digital tools and methods as well as their implications for literary history and its research communities.

Some inspiration/provocation prior to the event, recommended by Dr. Tóth-Czifra:

Zeit & Ort

07.05.2020 | 17:00 - 19:00

To join the virtual meeting please register in advance by May 6, latestly: cosima.wagner [at] fu-berlin.de

Weitere Informationen

For more info visit the group's Wiki. If you want to become actively involved, please subscribe to the group’s mailing list here.