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Seminaris Campushotel Berlin

Takustraße 39, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
Preis: 79 Euro
(Einzelzimmer, inkl. Frühstück)
Entfernung: 0 km, das Hotel ist Teil des Seminaris Conference Center


The hotel represents a modern life style and aims to suit the demands of visitors of conferences and business meetings as well as visitors of cultural programs of Berlin and surroundings. The friendly and cordial staff is always at your service – in the rooms, suites, restaurants and bars, in the wellness area and spa or at a conference, a meeting or a scientific session.


We have blocked a number of rooms at the Seminaris Campushotel Berlin for you until 16th September 2011 2011. The price for each single room is 79,00 Euro including breakfast and VAT. If you want to make a binding reservation with the hotel, please mention the booking-code “FUBerlin2011”.


Takustraße 39
14195 Berlin - Dahlem
Fon: 0049(0)30/ 55 77 970
Email: berlin@seminaris.de

Internet: http://www.seminaris.com/berlin