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Workshop: "Dialogical Textures. Theory and the German-Jewish Literary Tradition"

Der Workshop fand am 12. Oktober 2014 statt und war Teil des Cooperative Research Project Dialogical Textures zwischen der Freien Universität Berlin und der Tel Aviv University. Organisiert wurde die Veranstaltung von Galili Shahar (Tel Aviv University) und Susanne Zepp (Freie Universität Berlin) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Dahlem Humanities Center.

The second workshop in the framework of the Cooperative Research Project Dialogical Textures was dedicated to conjoint readings of texts from the German-Jewish literary tradition. The workshop was designed in the framework of Chavruta, "learning–together", that implies the concentrated joint studying of key-texts of theoretical significance. The task of this workshop was gaining a new theoretical experience of what is tradition, dealing with issues such as textuality and language, the notion of study, sacredness and secularism, the gender-difference and the critique of violence. The goal of the workshop was to define the German-Jewish literary tradition as a field of study and to discuss future research directions.


12. Oktober 2014
10:30 Opening Remarks
Galili Shahar/Susanne Zepp
Panel I
Chair: Stephanie Bung

Walter Benjamin, Zum Planetarium (1928)
Introduction: Galili Shahar

Hayim Nahman Bialik, Al Kodesh ve'Chol ba'Lashon (1927)
Introduction: Ilit Ferber

Panel II
Chair: Jan Gerber

Theodor W. Adorno, Thesen über die Sprache des Philosophen (1932)
Introduction: Gal Hertz

Siegfried Kracauer, Vorwort zu Jacques Offenbach und das Paris seiner Zeit (1937)
Introduction: Roni Hirsh-Ratzkovsky

Panel III
Chair: Uri Ganani

Arnold Schönberg, Komposition mit zwölf Tönen (1935)
Introduction: Michal Ben-Horin

Eduard Goldstücker, Die Prager deutsche Literatur als historisches Phänomen (1965)
Introduction: Jan Gerber

17:15 Closing Discussion
The Future Agenda of the Cooperative Research Project

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