Ehemalige Fellows
Mahshid Mayar (2024-2025)
W( )oles and ( )holes: Politically Engaged Erasure Poetry in Twenty-First-Century United States
Lee Walters (2024)
From Cultural Work to Culture Industry: Affect, Labour and the Remaking of South Africa’s Arts Sector
Aidan Erasmus (2024)
Earwitnessing: Memory, Transduction, and Listening for the Past
Alexis Radisoglou (2023/24)
Post-Global Aesthetics
Mariam Rahmani (CHCI-ACLS Fellow, 2024)
Queerness in Translation, from Persian to English and Back
Florian Fuchs (2022)
The Visual Afterlife of Theory – Harun Farocki’s Procedures
Matthew Morrison (CHCI-ACLS Fellow, 2022)
Blacksound: Making Race and Popular Music in the United States
Chunjie Zhang (Visiting Fellow 2020/21)
World as Method. Cosmopolitan Thinking in German and Chinese Modernist Cultures
Marius Buning (2020/21)
Mathematical Dialectics. The Art of Demonstration by Simon Stevin
Alice Sullivan (Fellow der Volkswagen Stiftung und der Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2020/21)
Medieval Art in Eastern Europe: Art, Architecture, and Visual Culture at the Crossroads of the Latin, Greek, and Slavic Cultural Spheres
Nicolae Virastau (Fellow der Volkswagen Stiftung und Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2019/21)
Autobiography in Early Modern France: 1450–1650
Marta-Laura Cenedese (Visiting Fellow 2020)
Imaginative Encounters: Irène Némirovsky and Charlotte Salomon in the Twenty-First Century
Anna-Sophie Jürgens (Fellow der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung 2019/20)
Clown in the Machine: Popular Arts and Technology
Gesa Frömming (Dahlem Postdoc Fellowship 2017/19)
Acting in Concert: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Politics of Tone (1680-1836)
Marius Buning (Dahlem Postdoc Fellowship 2017/19)
Mathematical Dialectics. The Art of Demonstration by Simon Stevin
Jennifer Allen (Fellow der Volkswagen Stiftung und Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2018/19)
Insurance Against Total Destruction: A Postwar History of German Plans to Save The World
Chunjie Zhang (Visiting Fellow am Dahlem Humanities Center 2018/19)
World as Method. Cosmopolitan Thinking in German and Chinese Modernist Cultures
Omri Ben-Yehuda (Minerva, Max-Planck Gesellschaft, Postdoctoral Fellowship 2017/19)
Mann's Joseph: Judaism and Humanism
Hillel Ben-Sasson (Dahlem Postdoc Fellowship 2017/18)
On Repentance - A Philosophical Account
Vikram Visana (Dahlem Postdoc Fellowship 2017/18)
'Regenerating the Tribal Soul': Colonial Thought and Indirect Rule in the Sudan, 1899
Katja Herges (Andrew and Florence White Fellowship 2018)
Vital Matter: Life, Chronic Illness and Care in Contemporary German Life Writing
Elizabeth Brogden (Visiting Fellow am Dahlem Humanities Center 2017/18)
Stealing from the Story: Forms of Narrative Evasion in the Age of the Novel
Alexei Evstratov (POINT 2016/17)
Watching the human comedy. Theatrical experience and social knowledge in France from Diderot to the "freedom of the theatres" (1750s-1864)
Ágota Révész (POINT 2015/17)
China Enters the Stage
Iris Roebling-Grau (Fritz Thyssen Stiftung 2014/17)
Imitatio and Identification: Teresa de Ávila, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Jonathan Littell
Laura Leon-Llerena (Volkswagen Stiftung und Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2017)
Restoring the Illegible: Unexpected Indigenous Uses of Writing in Early Colonial Peru
Ilaria Scaglia (Volkswagen Stiftung und Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2016/17)
The Emotions of Internationalism: 'Feeling' International Cooperation on the Mountains in the Interwar Period
Aideen Carty (POINT 2015/17)
Splintered Sparta: Factions and Foreign Policy to c. 470 BC
Jakub Stejskal (POINT 2015/17)
Between Enchantment and Disenchantment: Reconciling Philosophical and Anthropological Theories of Art
Stefano de Bosio (POINT 2015/17)
Toward an Epistemology of Mirror Images: Shifting Paradigms of Image Reversal in the Visual Arts of the Early Modern Italy
Daniela Hahn (Dahlem International Network PostDoc 2014/16)
Ästhetiken des Dokuments. Künstlerische Historiographien seit 1989
Eva Fotiadi (POINT 2014/16)
Aesthetics of Events in Public Space. Performative Artistic and Political Interventions in Athens (Greece) Since 2000
Jan Niklas Howe (Dahlem International Network PostDoc 2014/16)
Genie-Ästhetik und Kreativitäts-Dispositiv
Dana Weber (Volkswagen Stiftung und Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2015/16)
An Interdisciplinary Study of German Popular Festivals as Products and Expressions of Cultural Transfer
Reed Winegar (Volkswagen Stiftung und Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2015/16)
Kant and the Conflicts of Reason
Stephanie Elsky (Volkswagen Stiftung und Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2015/16)
Time Out of Mind: The Poetics of Custom and Common Law in Renaissance England
Jonathan Blake Fine (Volkswagen Stiftung und Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2015/16)
Throwing down the Gauntlet: Intellectual Polemic in the Public Eye of Late Enlightenment Germany
Robert Ari Friedlander (Volkswagen Stiftung und Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2015/16)
Rogue Sexuality: The Erotics of Social Status in Early Modern England
Daniele Salvoldi (POINT 2014/16)
Locations, Relations and Interactions: Mapping and Interpreting the Ancient Landscape of Nubia through the Unpublished Archive of William John Bankes (1815-1822)
Zemian Zheng (POINT 2013/15)
A Comparative Study of Emotions and Moral Consciousness: Between Max Scheler’s Phenomenological Ethics and Zhu Xi’s Neo Confucianism
Elizabeth Bonapfel (Volkswagen Stiftung und Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014/15)
Punctuating Presences: How Punctuation “Marks” Voice
Chunjie Zhang (Volkswagen Stiftung und Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014/15)
German Transcultural: Travel, Literature and Philosophy around 1800
Hajnalka Kovacs (Zukunftsphilologie 2014/15)
The Debate on the Indian vs. Iranian Usage of Persian and the Formation of the Canon of Persian Poetry in Eighteenth-Century India
Lewis Doney (Zukunftsphilologie 2014/15)
The Foundations and Transformations of Tibetan Buddhist Historiography
Joydeep Bagchee (Zukunftsphilologie 2014/15)
Critical Editing of Sanskrit Texts: The Mahābhārata and the Rāmāyana
Gaia Gubbini (Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung 2014/15)
Pneuma: Breaths, Sighs and Spirits in Medieval Romance Literature
Luciana Villas Bôas (Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung 2014/15)
The Language and Politics of Colonial Translation in Sixteenth-Century Brazil
Igor Candido (Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung 2014)
Petrarch and Boccaccio as Pre-modern Humanists
Kata Gellen (Volkswagen Stiftung und Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2013/14)
Das Versprechen des Ostens? Der osteuropäische deutsch-jüdische Roman im 20. Jahrhundert
Jakob Norberg (Volkswagen Stiftung und Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2013/14)
The Cliché: Critical Theories of Tedious Language
Cristina Savettieri (Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung)
Theories and Practices of the Modern Tragic
Simon Mills (POINT 2013/14)
The reception of the historical and geographical writings of the Arabic author Abu’l-Fidā’ (1273-1331) among European oriental scholars of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Quinn Slobodian (Volkswagen Stiftung und Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2013/14)
The Discipline of the World Economy: Émigrés against the Global New Deal, 1936-1980
Pavel Blažek (IRF Program 2012)
Household. Marriage and Gender in Medieval Thought. Bartholomew of Bruges' Commentary on the Pseudo-Aristotelian Economics (1309)
Ioana Vultur (POINT 2012)
Cultural History or Cultural Evolution?
Jörg Volbers (Juniorforum I, 2011/12)
Situierte Vernunft. Praxistheorie, Pragmatismus und das Problem der Kritik
Ghassan El Masri (Juniorforum I, 2011/12)
From Ethos to Ethics. The Poeticity of the Moral Transformation at the Rise of Islam
Leon Antonio Rocha (IRF Program 2012)
Creating a Canon of "Chinese Sexology": Ye Dehui's Shadow of the Double Plum Tree Anthology (1903-1914)
Scott J. Rufolo (IRF Program 2012)
Zooarchaeological Contributions to Understanding Patterns of Social Evolution in Northern Mesopotamia from the Ubaid to the Early Bronze Age
Nils F. Schott (IRF Program 2012)
The Political Theology of Secular Catechisms
Eleonora Vratskidou (IRF Program 2012)
Genius and the Psychological Turn in Aesthetics in the late 19th Century: the Work of Gabriel Séailles and Georgios Vizyinos
Ruth S. Noyes (IRF Program 2012)
Bitter Pills. Peter Paul Rubens, Cesare Baronio, and the Counter-Reformation Crisis over the Beati moderni
Lucy Maddux Alford (2012)
Unfolding Presence: Poetic Attention through the Lens of the Twentieth Century
James Brandon Pelcher (2012)
Unwillkürliche αληθεια: Vergessen(heit) bei Heidegger und Proust
Eva Hausdorf (Juniorforum I, 2011/12)
Staub zu Staub. Ein Material in der Kunst zwischen Schöpfung und Verfall
Dörte Rokitta-Krumnow (Juniorforum I, 2011/12)
Frühe Formen sozialer Differenzierung. Der archäologische Nachweis im levantinischen Neolithikum
Bryan Klausmeyer (2011)
Humoristische Dialektik: Eine Untersuchung der Subjektivität und Zeit im Werk von Jean Paul und Hegel
Clara Pacquet (DAAD, 2010) Ästhetik von Karl Philipp Moritz (1756-1790)
Tatiana Korneeva (Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, 2010)
Das Motiv der „rivalisierenden Schwestern“ in der Literatur weiblicher Autoren (17.-19. Jhdt.) : Vom französischen Märchen zum englischen Roman
Robert McCulloch (2010)
Disruptive Relics: Investigations of the Intersection of History, Memory, and Language in Sebald and Benjamin
Malte Wessels (2009)
Noël Reumkens (2008)