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BMS Summer School 2016: "Mathematics and Computation in Imaging Science"

News vom 29.03.2016

The aim of the Summer School is to introduce contemporary methods in imaging science to a broad audience ranging from graduate students to postdocs and junior faculty. The main themes will be analytical and approximationtheoretic aspects as well as algorithmic and computational aspects of image processing.

The Summer School will be held from the 25th of July to the 5th of August in the locations Technische Universität Berlin and Humboldt Universität Berlin.

Lectures will be given by:

Hans-Christian Hege (ZIB)
Michael Hintermüller (HU Berlin)
Bangti Jin (UCL)
Gitta Kutyniok (TU Berlin)
Jan Modersitzki (University of Lübeck)
Mila Nikolova (ENS Cachan, Universite Paris-Saclay)
Thomas Pock (TU Graz)
Wotao Yin (UCLA)

The summer school is supported by the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS), by the DFG Research Center MATHEON "Mathematics for Key Technologies" in Berlin, and by the Einstein Center for Mathematics Berlin (ECMath).

Application Deadline:  30th of April 2016

For further information and application online, please click here

Limited funding is available for graduate/PhD students and postdocs.