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Visual and Media Anthropology - Master Program - Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology

News vom 21.01.2016

Apply now and start your MA in Visual and Media Anthropology at Freie Universitaet Berlin in October 2016!

The Application process is now open for the Master's Program in Visual and Media Anthropology 2016-2018 at Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany.

The Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology (Department of Political and Social Sciences) at the Freie Universität Berlin, a university of excellence, is offering an innovative continuing education Master's (M.A.) program in Visual and Media Anthropology.

The two-year, full-time Master's program comprises 120 ECTS. It is an advanced graduate degree program educating both researchers and media professionals (you need to proof one year job experience in a professional field). The language of instruction is English. It is a web-based E-learning M.A. program with in-house workshops in blocks (2-3 weeks twice a year). The program is highly international. Our students are coming from countries all over the world.

Application period:  January 20 - April 30, 2016 

Click here for more information about admission requirements and tuition fees.

For further information about the program: here

Contact: mainfo@zedat.fu-berlin.de