Vortrag von Sofia Donoso am Mi, 04.07.2018, 18 Uhr
Am 4. Juli 2018 spricht Sofia Donoso (Associate Researcher at Political and Social Conflicts at Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies (COES) and Assistant Professor of Society and Health Research Center at Universidad Mayor) über das Thema “Social movements in Chile: Political learning, scaling up, and institutionalization of protests”. Veranstaltungsort: Freie Universität Berlin, Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56, Hs201, 14197 Berlin Chile had, until recently, been characterized by its absence of social mobilization. Yet, to the surprise of scholars and the political establishment alike, in the past few years the country has become the stage for widespread demonstrations, on a scale that had not been seen since the protests against the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet during the 1980s. This presentation examines the recent upsurge of social movements in Chile and the reasons why part of their struggle has been taken to Parliament. In doing so, it highlights the continuum between different norms of contention, and discusses the challenges faced by social movements when using both “insider” and “outsider” tactics when pushing for their demands.
Neue Publikation - 2017 Simon Lewis
Vortrag Prof. Rovira Kaltwasser am Mi, 13.12.2017, 18 c.t.
Am 13. Dezember 2017 spricht Prof. Cristobal Rovira Kaltwasser (Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile) über die Frage: What‘s the Problem with Populism? Veranstaltungsort: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstr. 23-25, 14195 Berlin, -1.2009 Populism is a central concept in current media debates about politics and elections. However, like most political buzzwords, the term often floats from one meaning to another, and both social scientists and journalists use it to denote diverse phenomena. What is populism really? Who are the populist leaders? And what is the relationship between populism and democracy? The lecture will illustrate the practical power of populist forces of the modern era, such as European right-wing parties, left-wing presidents in Latin America, and the Tea Party movement in the United States.
Neue Publikation - 2017 Patrick Milton
Neue Publikation - 2017 Anett Dippner
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