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In line with the Berlin Higher Education Act (Berliner Hochschulgesetz, BerlHG) prospective applicants who do not hold a secondary school diploma (for example, a German Abitur) are categorized into four distinctive groups based on the nature of their qualifications. Applicants with a professional qualification must not hold any other higher education entrance qualification (Abitur, a foreign general or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification or a university degree) for the desired degree programme in order to be included in the selection of study places. You must affirm during application under oath that my information on study periods and degrees is true.

The Online Study Program Selection Assistant (Online-Studienfachwahl-Assistenten, OSA) can help you determine which group you fall into. Please note that much of the content on these pages is only available in German, except for degree programs that are conducted in English.

Are you unsure which group you belong to or do you have to take the admission exam (Zugangsprüfung for the group 3)?

Then please submit the application for a certificate examination for vocationally qualified persons. This can be submitted via the application portal  (1st of December to 31st of May), stating your desired course of study.

Please note: This is a preliminary certificate examination only for vocationally (professionally) qualified persons and does not replace the application for the degree programme. It is also possible to apply within the regular application deadlines without a previous certificate examination.

However, for participation in the admission exam (Zugangsprüfung for the group 3), the certificate examination for vocationally qualified persons is necessary.

Group 1: General Higher Education Entrance Qualification (Allgemeine Hochschulzugangsberechtigung)

Applicants who have acquired professional qualifications hold a general higher education entrance qualification if they meet the following criteria::

  • They have passed an advanced continuing education program (Aufstiegsfortbildung) pursuant to the provisions of the German Trade and Crafts Code (Handwerksordnung), the German Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz), or comparable German federal or state laws or regulations (including programs to earn the titles of Industriemeister, Gestalter, Techniker, Fachwirt, Fachkaufmann, Betriebswirt, or Meister)
  • They have completed a vocational school program at a government-operated or government-accredited vocational school (Fachschule) as outlined in the framework agreement concerning vocational schools or have completed a comparable training or education program in another state in Germany
  • They have earned qualifications comparable to the above-mentioned advanced continuing education program (Aufstiegsfortbildung) within the meaning of the Seafarers’ Act (Seemannsgesetz)
  • They have earned qualifications comparable to the above-mentioned advanced continuing education program (Aufstiegsfortbildung) based on continuing education or professional development courses governed by state law or regulations for healthcare professions or in the fields of social care, social services, or education.

If you hold a general higher education entrance qualification, then you are eligible to apply for any degree program.

German professional qualifications may bear the name “Bachelor Professional” or “Master Professional;” however, these are not recognized as university degrees.

You can read more here:
» Applying for the First Semester in a Degree Program (with Advanced Continuing Education or Vocational School Qualifications) (Group 1)
» Applying for the First Semester in Pharmacy or Veterinary Medicine

Group 2: Applicable Subject-Specific Higher Education Entrance Qualification (fachgebundene Hochschulzugangsberechtigung mit fachlichem Bezug)

Applicants who have acquired professional qualifications hold a subject-specific higher education entrance qualification if they meet the following criteria:

  • They have completed an occupational training program regulated under German federal or state laws or regulations of at least two years duration in a subject similar to that of the degree program for which they wish to apply.

If you hold a subject-specific higher education entrance qualification that is related to the subject of a degree program, then you will only be eligible to apply for a limited range of subjects. Here you will find an overview of degree programmes and professional qualifications that are recognised as being similar in subject matter to the respective degree programme at Freie Universität Berlin (available only in German, this information non-binding and is provided for orientation purposes only).

You can read more here:
» Applying for the First Semester in a Degree Program (with Occupational Training Qualifications) (Group 2)
» Applying for the First Semester in Pharmacy or Veterinary Medicine

Group 3: Non-Applicable Subject-Specific Higher Education Entrance Qualification (Fachgebundene Hochschulzugangsberechtigung ohne fachlichen Bezug)

Applicants who have acquired professional qualifications hold a non-subject-specific higher education entrance qualification if they meet the following criteria:

  • They have completed an occupational training program regulated under German federal or state laws or regulations of at least two years duration, but cannot demonstrate any relation between that subject and the degree program for which they wish to apply

If you have a subject-specific higher education entrance qualification that is not related to your chosen degree program, you can still apply for a degree program that is not similar in subject to your prior training or education. You will,however, have to take an admission exam.

You can read more here:
» Applying for the First Semester in a Degree Program (with Occupational Training Qualifications) (Group 3)
» Applying for the First Semester in Pharmacy or Veterinary Medicine

Group 4: Applicants Enrolled in a Higher Education Institution in Germany for a Minimum of One Year with Professional Qualifications

Candidates who have successfully studied in a different state in Germany for at least one year based on professional qualifications can apply for a study place in the next higher subject-specific semester (Fachsemester) in an equivalent or similar degree program.

You can read more here:
» Applying for Higher Semesters