Numerus Clausus - Undergraduate Degree Programs
Some degree programs have an admission restriction.To see whether a study program has restricted admission, look out for the phrase “lokale Zulassungsbeschränkung (local admission restriction)” in the program description.
For applicants with an EU citizenship and applicants with a German Abitur (regardless of their nationality), three main quotas are important in the admission procedure. Exception: Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine, as these degree programmes are allocated via the central allocation procedure - see
After deducting the preliminary quotas from the total number of places on a degree program with restricted admission, the remaining places are allocated in the following main quotas:
- about 60% "Auswahlverfahren der Hochschule" - number of points according to university's own selection criteria
- about 20% Abiturbestenquote - applicants with the best higher education entrance qualification grades
- about 20% Wartezeitquote - criterium is the number of semesters of waiting time
NC-Tables showing the results of the last admission process (available in German only):
- Mono-Bachelor and Staatsexamen
- Kombi-Bachelor (major und minor)
- Lehramt-Bachelor (teaching programs)
The number of study places in the first semester is always decided anew for each semester with the admission regulations and published in the official gazettes of Freie Universität Berlin - in German only
Advance quotas
Advance quotas apply to the following groups of applicants:
8% percent of available places are given to applicants who have professional qualifications but no Abitur. Within that quota, selection is based on the average grade of the higher education entrance qualification granted to them through their professional qualification (advanced continuing or professional education program/vocational school and training).
3% apply to applicants who want to pursue a second undergraduate university degree, relevant only for those who have already completed an undergraduate degree (e.g. Bachelor's degree) in the EU or a country with equivalent status.
At least 5% are given to underaged applicants who have to fulfill the following requirements: They must be under the age of eighteen by the time of the application deadline, and have to reside in Berlin or Brandenburg with a person holding custody. If, within that quota, there are more applicants than available places, selection is based on the grade of the higher education entrance qualification.
2% of available places is given to applicants whose sponsorship is deemed as of public interest and who are, due to special circumstances, bound to a certain location, such as applicants who belong to one of the German Olympic Sports Confederation’s athletic squads at one of the Olympic training centers in Berlin or Brandenburg
Applicants who have received an offer for admission in an earlier semester but were unable to accept it due to some form of service are also given preferential admission since their service should not be an impediment to their educational career.
More information: here (available in German only).
Succession procedure
If not all places were filled in the main procedure according to the above-mentioned quotas (e.g. because applicants did not accept the place), a succession procedure can be carried out.
If you would like to take part in the succession procedure, you must indicate this in the application portal.
Lottery placement
Spots are finally awarded by lottery to applicants who have submitted a lottery application in due time prior to the start of the semester.