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Applying for the First Semester with Occupational Training (Groups 2 and 3)

The following paperwork must be uploaded as part of the online application:


Additional information
Certificate of occupational training qualifications including the final grade
Result of the admission exam only applicable to Group 3

Please note:

You are required to select "professional qualification without Abitur (subject-related HEEQ)" as your university entrance qualification in the application portal of Freie Universität Berlin.

If you have been admitted to the degree programme, you will be required to submit proof of the required foreign language skills for the enrolment (registration).

Are you unsure which group you belong to?

Here you will find an overview of degree programmes and professional qualifications that are recognised as being similar in subject matter to the respective degree programme at Freie Universität Berlin (available only in German, this information non-binding and is provided for orientation purposes only).

You can read more here:
» Categorizations

Information on the Admission Exam (only applicable to group 3)

Applicants who have acquired occupational training qualifications that are not related to their desired degree program will need to pass an admission exam as part of their application.

Do you have to take the admission exam? Then please submit the application for a certificate examination for vocationally qualified persons. This can be submitted via the application portal  (1st of December to 31st of May), stating your desired course of study.

Please note: 

You will only be able to apply for your desired degree program via the online portal after you have passed the admission exam. All application materials (including the exam results) must be submitted before the application deadline.

The admission exam only takes place once during the year for the winter semester. We are unable to offer an alternative date for this examination. This is why group 3 applicants cannot apply for a degree program starting in the summer semester. It may be possible to repeat or re-register for the admission exam the following year.

You have the opportunity to prepare for the admission exam before you take it. You can find information on the examination subjects that apply to your chosen degree program in the following table. You can refer to sample exams on the Studienkolleg website. The Studienkolleg regularly offers consultations for different examination subjects. We strongly recommend that you attend these consultations so that you can adequately prepare for the exam.

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