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Placement in higher semesters within your subject (Fachsemester)

For study programs without restrictions on admissions, please contact the person responsible for your desired study program before enrolling.

For study programs with restrictions on admissions,please wait until you have received your notice of admission and then contact the person responsible for the study program stated in the notice.

Please use this placement notice template and enter the subject-specific semester, your name, date of birth and your private e-mail address only. The grey fields have to be filled out by the department. Please present this document along with your credits from your previous studies at the respective department.

If you wish to enroll in a combination bachelor’s degree program, please contact the relevant person for each component of your program.

Listing of responsible parties within the departments (only in German):

  1. Education
  2. Primary Education
  3. Special Education
  4. Psychology

If you are not certain which department includes your desired study program, you can consult the study programs section for information.


  • Einstufung höhere Fachsemester Prüfungsbüro FU