The Team gender*equal offers all university members who need advice or help confidential counseling services. Please contact us if you...
- Have questions about how to plan and shape your career at Freie Universität Berlin.
- Want to know more about programs that promote and support women at Freie Universität Berlin.
- Have experienced discrimination as a student or employee due to your gender identity, feel that you have been treated unfairly, or have witnessed sexist behavior.
- Have been affected by stalking or physical, psychological, or sexualized harassment, discrimination, or violence.
The departmental gender equality officers also provide counseling and support on these topics within their units. The Dual Career & Family Service can also provide guidance when it comes to balancing your studies with family life and/or caregiving – or balancing work with family responsibilities.
In accordance with the Berlin Higher Education Act (Section 59, BerlHG), counseling services provided through women’s representatives/gender equality officers are confidential. You can also remain anonymous upon request. Please contact us to make an appointment for your consultation.
You can call us at + 49 30 838 54970 or send us an email at If you are contacting us about an incident of sexualized harassment, discrimination, or violence, please write to