Other Events
In addition to the regular program series, various other events such as workshops, conferences, and panel discussions take place at the Dahlem Humanities Center. They are part of projects by scholars associated with the DHC as well as cooperations with other institutions of Freie Universität Berlin, other universities in Germany and abroad, and non-university cultural and research institutions. In addition, the speakers of the Hegel Lecture and the Siegfried Unseld Lecture traditionally offer master classes or workshop discussions for doctoral and, sometimes masters, students.
- Talk Scholarship, Activism, and the Autonomy of Social Spheres (December 5, 2024)
- Discussion Schreib so, wie Du bist?! Ein Gespräch über die soziale Bedeutung von Schreibung und Schrift (November 5, 2024)
- Panel Discussion Wie bitte? - Komplexe Realität und verständliche Sprache (November 8, 2023)
- Lecture series Was kommt? Projekte, Renaissancen, Latenzen (April 19–July 12, 2023)
- Keynote lecture The Crisis of the Humanities and the Future of Intellectual Work as a Vocation on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Dahlem Humanities Center (November 8, 2022)
- Panel Discussion Ist die Welt noch zu retten? Kommunikative Strategien und Framing im Klimadiskurs (November 2, 2022)
- Workshop Modern Tunisian Literatures (September 29–September 30, 2022)
- Inaugural Symposium of the "Ada Lovelace Center for Digital Humanities" (June 3, 2022)
- Lecture Series Relevanz? Relevanz! Geisteswissenschaftliche Perspektiven (October 19–December 21, 2021)
- Online Panel Discussion Mythos Muttersprache (November 10, 2021)
- Online-Workshop Verben im Sprachkontakt (September 14, 2021)
- Online-Workshop Devices, Formate und Gattungspraktiken digitaler Literaturen – Ein Workshop (July 18, 2021)
- Online-Workshop Werkstattgespräch mit Ann Cotten (June 10, 2021)
- Online Workshop 'Futurafrica' – Narrative Texts of Italian Futurism and of Francophone ‚Afro-devenirs‘ in Comparison (December 18, 2020)
- Online Workshop Licht aus dem Osten? Natural Light in Medieval Churches Between Byzantium and the West (November 26–27, 2020)
- International Online Workshop Autobiography Before Autobiography (1400-1700) (November 13–14, 2020)
- Online Panel Discussion Kommunikation per Video – Perspektiven aus Sprachwissenschaft, Soziologie und Informationstechnik (November 10, 2020)
- Panel Discussion "Das Ende von Babel?" (November 7, 2019)
- Workshop Bauhaus y Latinoamérica: el balance de un siglo (1919-2019) (September 13, 2019)
- Workshop zur Hegel Lecture für Studierende und Promovierende mit Seyla Benhabib (June 6, 2019)
- Workshop Animals, Adab, and Fictivity (May 9–10, 2019)
- Workshop with Andreas Maier für Studierende und Promovierende (November 29, 2018)
- Conference Africa in Global Intellectual History (November 25, 2018)
- Panel Discussion "Was darf ich sagen? Und wer bestimmt das?" Diskriminierende Sprache – Normen – Gendern – Political Correctness (November 13, 2018)
- Panel Discussion Free Speech on Campus: a Challenge for Universities in the U.S. and in Germany (November 6, 2018)
- Workshop Aesthetics with Bence Nanay (October 31–November 2, 2018)
- International Workshop Philological Practices. A Comparative Historical Lexicon (September 26–28, 2018)
- International Workshop Körperpoetiken - Korporealitäten - Biopolitik (July 5, 2018)
- Workshop Jewish Friends (October 17–18, 2017)
- Workshop Within and Without Writing: Definitions of "Indianness" in Latin America from 1492 to the Present (July 13–14, 2017)
- Workshop Making a Case for Internationalism (June 6–7, 2017)
- Workshop The codification of emotions in Italian epics of the Cinquecento (December 8–9, 2016)
- Workshop Performativity: Life, Stage, Screen? (July 20–22, 2016)
- Conference The Disunity of Reason: On Kant's Antinomies (July 18–19, 2016)
- Workshop Nefarious Heathens: The Threat of Irreligion in the German Enlightenment (July 14–15, 2016)
- Workshop The Abnormal Renaissance: Queers, Crips, and Rogues in Early Modern England (June 6–7, 2016)
- Workshop Common Eras: Law, Literature and the Rhetorics of Commonality in Medieval and Renaissance England (May 19–20, 2016)
- Workshop Towards a Post-Culturalis Art History (April 28, 2016)
- International Colloquium Le Regard du Siècle. Claude Lanzmann zum 90. Geburtstag (November 27–28, 2015)
- Conferment of an Honorary Degree to Dan Diner (November 12, 2015)
- International Conference Santa Teresa: Her Writings and Writings about Her (October 22–24, 2015)
- Exhibition Black Mountain - Ein interdisziplinäres Experiment 1933-1957 (June 5–September 27, 2015)
- Symposium Black Mountain College (September 25–26, 2015)
- Workshop/Summerschool Global Humanities Campus 2015 (July 20–August 2, 2015)
- Global Humanities Distiguished Lecture with Leonardo F. Sisi (July 17, 2015)
- International Conference Approaches in European and Chinese Modernisms (July 9–10, 2015)
- Guestlecture with Mou-chou Poo (June 30, 2015)
- Global Humanities Distiguished Lecture with Hsiung Ping-chen (June 30, 2015)
- Workshop Punctuation in Practice (June 19–20, 2015)
- Workshop: How Jews Know. Epistemologies of Jewish Knowledge (June 2–4, 2015)
- Symposium Thinking Through Tragedy and Comedy. A Symposium on Performance Philosophy and the Future of Genre (December 4–5, 2014)
- Congreso internacional Conocimiento y juicio histórico. La noción de la literatura en la obra de Octavio Paz (November 27–28, 2014)
- Colloque international Corps et esprit au Moyen Âge : littérature, philosophie, médecine (November 13–14, 2014)
- Global Humanities Distinguished Lecture with François Hartog (October 27, 2014)
- Guest lecture with Sérgio Alcides (October 23, 2014)
- Workshop Dialogical Textures. Theory and the German-Jewish Literary Tradition (October 12, 2014)
- Summer School Commonalities and Differences: The Bronze Age, the Ancient High Civilizations, and Industrial Modernity (July 21–August 3, 2014)
- Workshop Circular and Vectorial Trends in Cultural Developments (July 29–30, 2014)
- Conference The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-modern World: Petrarch and Boccaccio between the Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance (June 10–13, 2014)
- Workshop Jewish Borderlands – Language, Literature and Culture, 1900 to the Present (May 22–23, 2014)
- Conference Brasilidades. Jewish Belonging in Brazilian Literature (May 5–6, 2014, Goethe-Institut São Paulo)
- Workshop in cooperation with the Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart - Berlin: Blackmountain - Models of Creativity (May 2–3, 2014)
- Workshop How to Define Cultural Dynamics (January 24, 2014)
- Opening Ceremony: Public Panel Discussion - Global Humanities and Cultural Dynamics (January 23, 2014)
- Conference in honor of Angelika Neuwirth (7. Dezember 2013)
- DramaNet Conference Dramatic Experience: Poetics of Drama and the Public Sphere(s) in Early Modern Europe and Beyond (November 28–29, 2013)
- Workshop Nietzsche und die Aufklärung in Deutschland und in China (October 11–13, 2013)
- Conference "Synergies". Französisch-deutscher Kulturaustausch im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Malerei, Literatur, Musik, Philosophie und Design (May 17–18, 2013)
- Conferment of an Honorary Degree to Homi K. Bhabha (May 31, 2012)
- Conference "The Emergence of Impartiality: Towards a Prehistory of Objectivity" (July 14–16, 2011)
- Study Day "Sklaverei und ihre Abschaffung: eine strittige Erinnerung" (May 13, 2011)