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Research grants in green chemistry for young scientists - UNESCO

The grant programme aims to promote the implementation of innovative research projects in green chemistry by young scientists that respect the 12 principles of green chemistry. Young scientists aged with a PhD degree (or equivalent) in chemistry or its allied areas are invited to compete; the age limit is 39. Successful projects will be selected by an international scientific jury. Grants will be up to US$30,000 and should be awarded for research that may be completed in one year.

Termin: The deadline for submission of applications for this third round of applications is 28 February 2017
Weitere Informationen: Ausschreibung

Full time endowed chairs (professor level) in the priority research themes of A MIDEX (Aix –Marseille, France)

Open call: 2017

Research and Education:

The chairs current main themes in research and teaching tasks are strongly connected to the five priority scientific themes at Aix-Marseille site as described in the A*MIDEX project selected in 2012 and confirmed in 2016 by an international jury committed by the French government in its “Investments for the future” program. (More information on http://amidex.univ-amu.fr/en). These five themes are Energy; Environment; Health and life sciences; Sciences and technologies; Humanities, where Aix-Marseille University and its partners on the site can become leaders at an international level within 10 years in their disciplinary fields.


The chair holder will lead his/her own research team to be built and to be integrated in an existing large institute/ steady research unit of his/her choice at Aix-Marseille. He/she is expected to assume responsibility for all managerial tasks that are usual to this full professor level position. He/she will benefit from an endowed package including a team start-up budget (post-doctoral and doctoral contracts, operating and equipment costs, missions…).


The candidate should be an outstanding scientist with a track-record in at least one of the previous research themes. Proven experience in teaching would be an asset. The candidate should be able to build and lead a research group, and must be able to raise funds from national, European and International programs. Depending on years of experience the candidate can pretend to a junior or senior chair of excellence.


A*MIDEX offers full time endowed chairs as full professors or research directors for 3 years with possibility of a 2-year extension, depending of the achievements of the chair holder on fundraising, publications… Salary, benefits and employment conditions are in accordance with the public agreement for French state-universities and national research institutions.

Termin: The call is open until the end of 2017 for senior or junior outstanding scientists.
Professor Denis Bertin, vp-amidex@univ-amu.fr
Weitere Informationen: Ausschreibung


Fritz Thyssen Stiftung: Förderung von Projekten

Thematisch ist eine Antragstellung in folgenden Förderbereichen möglich:

  • Geschichte, Sprache und Kultur
  • Querschnittbereich "Bild und Bildlichkeit"
  • Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
  • Querschnittbereich "Internationale Beziehungen"
  • Medizin und Naturwissenschaften
Termin für Projektförderungen: 15. Februar 2017
Adresse: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Apostelnkloster 13-15, 50672 Köln
Weitere Informationen: Auschreibung