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Polonsky Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem

News vom 24.11.2016

Polonsky fellows become part of a vibrant research community in the humanities and social sciences, with the possibility of connecting and collaborating with ongoing projects at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. Polonsky fellows have a formal status of Visiting Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, including access to university data bases. There is no teaching requirement, although limited teaching arrangements can be made with the Hebrew University if desired. Fellows are expected to do their own research; there is no obligation to find a tutor.

Applicants are expected to submit an original research project in the humanities or social sciences. They may do so even before completing their PhD, so long as by the beginning of the fellowship, in October, they have completed all requirements for their degree.

Termin: 01.02.2017
Adresse: The Polonsky Academy, PO Box 4070, Jerusalem 9104001, Israel, Tel.: +972-2-5605277
Kontakt: miriambd@vanleer.org.il
Weitere Informationen: Ausschreibung