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Sommersemester 2016

Kurse im Sommersemester 2016:

BA (Bachelor of Arts) Courses:

MA (Master of Arts) Courses:

  • Lecture: Discourses and Practices of Colonization and Settlement (Frank Kelleter)
  • Graduate Course: American Ecologies (Alexander Starre)
  • Lecture: American (Media) Culture after WW II (Frank Kelleter)
  • Graduate Course: 20th-Century American Drama (Birte Wege)
  • Seminar: New Media Writing: Copying, Appropriating, and Materialization in the 21st Century (Mary Ann Snyder-Körber)
  • Graduate Course: Addicted to Plot: Genre Fiction After the Literary/Genre Divide (James Dorson)
  • Graduate Course: Theory (After Theory?) (Mary Ann Snyder-Körber)
  • Seminar: The Making of Americans: The Literary Imagination and the Working Hand (Nathalia King)
  • Graduate Course: Post-Crisis Poetics (Sean Bonney)
  • Reading Group: Enlightenment Trajectories: Continuities and Ruptures (Christian Lammert, Florian Sedlmeier)
  • Advanced Graduate Seminar: Enlightenment Trajectories: Continuities and Ruptures (Christian Lammert, Florian Sedlmeier)
  • Verschiedenes: Literary Theory (Mary Ann Snyder-Körber)
  • Reading Group: Approaches to Structural Racism (reading group) (Jasper Verlinden)
  • Graduate Course: History of Manhood in America (Sebastian Jobs)
  • Seminar: Turnpikes, Steamboats, and Railroads: The Transportation Revolution of the 19th Century (Maria-Michaela Hampf)
  • Graduate Course: Jacksonian Democracy (Maria-Michaela Hampf)
  • Seminar: North American History since 1865 - U.S. Foreign Relations since the Civil War (Jessica Gienow-Hecht)
  • Graduate Course: North American History since 1865 - Human Rights and Humanitarism in North American since the 1860s (Jessica Gienow-Hecht)
  • Graduate Course: The state and globalization (Boris Vormann)
  • Seminar: War as metaphor in Modern America (Thomas Greven)
  • Seminar: Planetary Urbanization (Boris Vormann)
  • Graduate Course: Global Challenges and Institutions (Curd Benjamin Knüpfer)
  • Seminar: Minorities vs Majorities: Identity Conflicts and Power Relationships Between Canadian National Groups (Jean Remi Carbonneau)
  • Graduate Course: From Sorting to Polarization – What's the Matter with Politics in the US Today? (Michael Oswald)
  • Verschiedenes: Advanced Theories and Methods (Christian Lammert)
  • Seminar: Religion Returns Home (N.N.)
  • Graduate Course: U.S.-politicians on the internet. A sociological perspective on campaigns and strategies (Branko Woischwill)
  • Graduate Course: Community and Individual in American Society (N.N.)
  • Verschiedenes: Advanced Theory and Ethics of Sociological Research (N.N. (JP2))
  • Advanced Seminar: Introduction to Inequality in American Economic History (Julia Püschel)
  • Reading Group: Utopian Visions (Irwin Collier, Thomas Rommel)
  • Advanced Graduate Seminar: Utopian Visions and Progressive Policies in Late 19th/Early 20th Century (Irwin Collier, Thomas Rommel)