Sommersemester 2016
Kurse im Sommersemester 2016:
MA-Kurse (Master of Arts):
- Seminar: Ukraine between its legacies and globalization: coping with the prospect of failing (Klaus Segbers)
- Colloquium: Colloquium for Master and Doctoral Candidates in the field of International Relations and Area Studies (Klaus Segbers)
- Vertiefungsseminar: Societies beyond growth - alternative models for sustainable futures: practices and discourses (Justyna Monika Stypinska)
- Vertiefungsseminar:Ukraine on the post-Soviet space. Society. History. Economy. (Andrij Portnov)
- Vorlesung: Comparative Economic Development (Theocharis Grigoriadis)
- Übung: Comparative Economic Development (Theocharis Grigoriadis)
- Vertiefungsseminar: Conflict and Development (Julia Zimmermann)
- Vertiefungsseminar: The Soviet Union and the 'Soviet Man' (Andrij Portnov)
- Vertiefungsseminar: Translingual avantgardes (Eugene Ostashevesky)