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Our Newsletter is now online!

News vom 18.11.2021

Dear Partners, Alumni and Friends of Freie Universität Berlin,

Each year on December 4, students, staff, alumni and friends of Freie Universität come together in Berlin to celebrate its founding anniversary. In the spirit of this special day, this year, Freie Universität encourages you to join these celebrations in eight cities around the world.

On behalf of Freie Universität Berlin the Cairo Liaison Office is delighted to invite its alumni to this enriching event in Cairo on November 30th, where the panel discussion on "Post:Corona | Transformation in Higher Education" with questions such as “What does a future-oriented (scientific) education look like for future students so they are fit for the job market after graduation?” will give our alumni an insight on the latest post-corona developments in higher education. If this has sparked your interest to join, scroll down to find more information and the registration link in our News Section! Please note that a number of partial travel stipends for alumni from outside Greater Cairo is available. If you wish to apply for funding, please tick the respective box in the registration form.

But this edition of our newsletter is not only dedicated to announce our worldwide alumni celebrations but further also to inform you about the various very valuable opportunities that you could apply for. Have a closer look and make sure not to miss any of them.

We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter and look forward to meeting some of you at our upcoming alumni event!

If you are interested in receiving the news of Freie Universität Berlin Cairo Office, please send us an email stating your full name, position and affiliated institution with subject "Newsletter" to: cairo@zedat.fu-berlin.de

To our latest Newsletter ->

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