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Erasmus+ Internship Europe & worldwide

Going abroad?

There are many good reasons for an internship abroad!

Erasmus+ supports self-organised, voluntary internships and compulsory internships. As a rule, internships have a duration of two to twelve months. In exceptional cases, shorter internship stays are funded within the framework of blended mobility internships.

Advantages of an Erasmus+ internship abroad

  • EU internship contract between university, company and student (Learning Agreement)
  • Academic recognition of the internship
  • Support during the internship by a contact person at the home university and at the company
  • Funding of additional costs incurred abroad according to the specified funding rates
  • Support in preparation (linguistic, organizational)
  • Special grants for students with children and students with special needs

Target group

The following students can apply for Erasmus+ funding for an internship abroad:

Students of all disciplines in all study phases (Undergrate, Postgrade, PhD) as well as graduates up to a maximum of one year after graduation (application must be made within the last year of study). Nationality is irrelevant, but applicants must be fully enrolled at Freie Universität Berlin (exchange students cannot apply) and must have their main residence in Germany.

The obligations and rights of students in the Erasmus+ program are regulated in the Erasmus Student Charter.

Please note!
Internships  can be funded with a maximum funding period of 6 months with the option of an extension if funding is available.

More information about the Erasmus+ internship

1. Preparation
2. Application
3. Funding (time period & amount)
4. Special funding
5. Extension of the internship (top ups)
6. After the end of the internship
7. Recognition of the internship abroad 
8. FAQ

Further information on Erasmus+ traineeships

Information on funding opportunities for short internships within the framework of blended mobilty internships

Information on funding opportunities for PhD traineeships

Information on an internship in the United Kingdom after Brexit