Direct Exchange Programs
Study worldwide
Freie Universität Berlin maintains about 170 direct exchange programs with partner universities throughout the world. Direct exchange means that placements at renowned partner universities are open to students from Freie Universität Berlin, based on mutual and reciprocal agreements. Therefore, students from Freie Universität Berlin are offered the possibility to study abroad and gain international experiences for one or two semesters. The acquisition of credit points is mandatory for direct exchange students. A complete list of our partner universities you find here.
Applications for the Erasmus+ worldwide program undergoes the same application process and has the same application deadlines as direct exchange applications.
Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 am - 12:30 noon and from 2:00 - 5:00 pm.
Special information for applicants with Russian and Belarusian citizenshipLet’s go abroad!
PlanningFinancial matters Procedure
7. Recognition of Credit Points From Abroad
Who decides about my application?
The Freie Universität Berlin maintains partnerships with renowned universities in many countries. Since partner institutions ultimately choose whether or not a student is accepted or obtains a scholarship, the Freie Universität Berlin carefully decides if the nominated candidates fulfil the partner universities’ academic and linguistic criteria. Please understand that this is why we can only accepts applicants with good academic standing and sufficient knowledge of the language taught in at the partner institution.
Please note that the assessment about whether an exchange student is considered an undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate student lies exclusively in the hands of our partner institutions. It is therefore possible that graduate students will only be allowed to pick courses from the undergraduate levels. Please check the websites of the partner universities in question before applying.
If you are interested in one of our direct exchange programs, feel free to contact our office by email or telephone anytime. You may also drop by our office for a personal consultation during office hours, which you can find on the right-hand side of this page. Just come by the SSC and you will receive a waiting number for the same day.