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Experience Reports

Under the links of each partner university, you will find experience reports of former direct exchange scholarship holders.

The anonymized reports are personal accounts and have only been formally corrected by the direct exchange team. We are not responsible for their content. The given information is only valid for a certain period of time; details regarding the visa application or flight prices can vary over time. Still, the reports might give you interesting impressions of the host country and university atmosphere, and hopefully motivate you to spend some time abroad as well.

For returning students:

Please send your experience report to auslstud@fu-berlin.de before picking up your transcript of records after your return. It should be 2- 3 pages in either German or English (arial, font size 11) and be sent to us as a word document. Please let us know in your email whether you'll allow us to anonymously publish your report on the direct exchange website.

You can find the sites of our partner universities on the individual websites of our programs: