Transferring between higher Education Institutions in higher Semesters
- What are “higher semesters”?
- Tranfer from another location (Studienortwechsel) and transfer from another program (Quereinstieg)
- Are there placements available despite the NC (Numerus Clausus, limitation on admissions)?
- How does the allocation of study placements work for higher semesters with limited admissions?
- Application for higher semesters
- Admissions & enrollment for higher semesters
What are “higher semesters”?
All subject-specific semesters within a study program after the first semester are considered “higher semesters”.
Some programs at Freie Universität Berlin are subject to limitations on admissions not only in the first semester, but also in all higher semesters. You can find out whether and which admission restrictions exist for higher semesters in the individual subject descriptions. Admission for higher semesters is only possible within the regular period of study (Regelstudienzeit) of the program at Freie Universität and for programs and subject specific semesters offered.
If you are applying for higher semesters, you will need sufficient credits for at least one semester.
For students considering transferring to Freie Universität Berlin, personal advising can be beneficial. The Acadmic Advisory Service is happy to provide assistance.
What is considered as transfer from another location (Studienortwechsel), and what is considered as transfer from another program (Quereinstieg)?
Transfer from another location (Studienortwechsel) means having taken up studies at another university in Germany or at a university in another EU member state and wishing to pursue the same study program at Freie Universität Berlin. The length of the study program as well as the number of credit points of program components are not considered.You are considered transferring from another location (Studienortwechsler/in):
- if you are currently studying / were previously studying a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Education study program and wish to continue at Freie Universität with one of these degrees (all are considered the same)
Example: transfer from Bachelor of Education in History and German Philology to Bachelor of Arts in History and German Philology
- if you wish to hold your previous subject(s) - it is the same subject when the course content is the same, even if the name of the subject at the previous university is different from the name at Freie Universität Berlin.
Example: transfer from Bachelor of Arts German Studies and English Studies to Bachelor of Arts in German Philology and English Philology
- if you previously studied a study program at Freie Universität Berlin, interrupted the program and wish to continue within the same program
If students transfer from another program they may apply for higher semester offered and also for the first semester.
You are considered transferring from another program (Quereinstieg):
- if you wish to transfer into a higher subject-specific semester of a different (core) subject than your current/previous one
Example: transfer from Biochemistry Bachelor of Science to Chemistry Bachelor of Science
- if you wish to apply for the some (core) subject with a different character
(combination bachelor degree program to single-subject bachelor degree program and vice versa)
Example: transfer from Biology and English Philology Bachelor of Education to Biology Bachelor of Science
- if you wish to transfer from a university outside the EU to Freie Universität Berlin (all subjects, all degrees)
Are there placements available despite the NC (Numerus Clausus, limitation on admissions)?
Normally, study placements in higher semesters are taken by students advancing from the previous semester. In semesters with limited admissions, placements that have become available again due to student withdrawal or transfers are allocated. Since it does not become clear until after the end of the re-registration period (the final day of the period when classes are in session) and an adequate period for receipt of payment into the account of Freie Universität Berlin how many students have not re-registered, it is impossible to predict the chances of admission in higher semesters.
How does the allocation of study placements work for higher semesters with limited admissions?
An applicant’s average grade and wait time are irrelevant to admission to higher semesters of academic programs at Freie Universität (exception: in the case of modules in combination bachelor’s degree programs, applicants are admitted primarily according to average Abitur grade in all higher semesters).
According to the Higher Education Admission Act for the State of Berlin (Berliner Hochschulzulassungsgesetz, BerlHZG, in German), study placements are allocated in a certain sequence in higher subject-specific semesters with limited admissions (impacted semesters):
- The first group of applicants considered are those who have been admitted to the first semester and, at the same time, are able to present an placement to a higher semester for the same academic program based on previous studies for which they are eligible for credit, such as study abroad. You do not have to have applied for a higher semester to Freie Universität Berlin to fall within this group: For the Admissions Office it is sufficient to present them the admissions notice for the first subject-specific semester and the semester assignment notice issued by the examinations office in charge.
- After that, transfer students from other universities, who are enrolled or have been enrolled within the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway for the same study program (students transferring from another location / “Studienortwechselnde”) are considered. Within this category, special reasons for “preferential changes of study location” can be taken into account where applicable: Transfer students can state family, economic, or academic reasons for the application.
- The final group considered when placements are allocated in higher semesters includes other applicants (students transferring from other programs – “Quereinsteigende" – with previous studies for which they are eligible for credit, either from other academic programs or from studying in a non- EU country, ICL, LIE, NOR).
Application for higher semesters
You can apply for any higher subject-related semester, provided that you have creditable achievements. However, you cannot apply for the first semester if you have already been enrolled in the same program within the EU. Only for degree programs whose places are allocated nationwide by the "Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung" - Foundation for University Admission (currently for Freie Universität: Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy) a special regulation applies: University transfer students who were enrolled at a German university and interrupted their studies can reapply for these degree programmes for the first subject semester.
Information on how to apply can be found on the pages of the Admissions Office of Freie Universität Berlin.
Initial information on the recognition of an international educational qualification can be found in the following online databases: anabin (in German) and DAAD. For cases of doubt, the following certificate recognition office is responsible in the state of Berlin: Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie - Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle.
Admission & enrollment for higher semesters
In the case of admission to undergraduate degree programs, you need to request a placement certificate from the relevant department. The placement notice must be submitted for enrollment.
Enrollment requires that you have not failed any exams (e.g. written exams) in the same degree program.
Undergraduate Degree Programms
Higher semesters without limits on admission
Special aspect of the combination bachelor degree programs (Kombinations-Bachelor):
If the combination Bachelor contains a core subject (Kernfach) or module (Modulangebot) with restricted admission, the application must be submitted within the deadline for degree programmes with restricted admission.
The application deadlines for impacted programs can be found in the Academic Calendar.
The enrollment deadline will be communicated in the notification of admission. Upon enrollment, a placement certificate from the respective examination office must be submitted for each degree programme component - core subject and module(s).
The deadline for enrollment will be announced in the admission notice (Zulassungsbescheid). When enrolling, students are required to present a placement certificate (Anrechnungsbescheid) from the appropriate examination offices for each subject.
Higher semesters with limited admission
If you are interested in an admission-restricted degree program in the higher semester, then you must apply and, after receiving an admission, submit the subject semester classification for enrollment. In the case of a combined Bachelor's degree, you must submit a placement certificate from the relevant examination office for each degree programme component - core subject and module(s).
Please note the deviating information for the degree programs Pharmacy (only in German) and Veterinary Medicine (only in German).
Master's degree programmes
Application and admission to the higher subject semester requires a completed undergraduate degree. The subject-specific admission requirements for each Master's degree program apply. Detailed information can be found in the respective subject description. The placement in the higher semester is carried out by the respective departments as part of the application (on the basis of the transcript of records of the previously studied Master's degree program, which must be submitted with the application).