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Workshop II: “Climate Change and Social Networks"

organized by Prof. Nina Kolleck (FU Berlin), Prof. David Tindall (University of British Columbia) and Alexandra Goritz (FU Berlin)

Anthropogenic global warming, and consequent climate change, are amongst the biggest challenges facing humankind. Early research on anthropogenic climate change, understandably, was mostly conducted by natural scientists, who analyzed the origins of climate change and its potential impacts on the earth system. The effects of individuals, societies and policies – key drivers of climate change – and the social dimensions of climate change were given secondary emphasis for a significant period of time. Since the beginning of the 1990s, due to the increasing awareness of both the significant social consequences and the impacts of human behavior and social structures on climate change, social researchers have begun investigating the social scientific aspects of this problem. However, while a variety of social dimensions of climate change issues have been studied for several decades, it is only recently that a growing number of scholars have started to analyze the role of social networks play in anthropogenic climate change. These works constitute the beginnings of a significant body of work by social network scholars, contributing crucial insights by looking beyond actor attributes and placing a focus on the relations amongst actors, and shedding a light on network dynamics.

Against this backdrop, the workshop brought together leading scholars in the field of sustainability, climate change and the analysis of social networks. It showcased and discussed different types of networks both from a theoretical and an empirical perspective. Participants discussed the effects, relevance, potential and weaknesses of social networks and the role they play for climate change movements, climate governance, climate change discourse, and climate change policy processes.

Teresa Kraus, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research

Incentive-based policy instruments for climate-friendly peatland management in the EU

Lasse Folke Henriksen, Copenhagen Business School

Forest Management Practices, Social Networks, and Sustainability Outcomes: Evidence from

Evgeny Abakumov, Saint-Petersburg State University

Environmental aspects of urbanization in the Arctic zone

Laura Mai, King’s College London

Networking the Climate: The Potential and Limits of Transnational Climate Governance

Kyra Hagge, Justus-Liebig University Giessen

Bridging Social Capital and Sustainable Behavior

Elena Kaip and Martin Stark, RWTH Aachen University

The Role of Networks for Social Innovations in Urban Climate Protection

Théo Konc, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

Carbon pricing with endogenous social preferences

Leslie Tkach-Kawasaki and Manuela Hartwig, University of Tsukuba

Comparing Energy Discourse in Germany and Japan: Select Findings from the Comparative Energy Discourse Project (2014-18)

Lorien Jasney, University of Exeter

Echo Chambers in Climate Science: Changes in the US Political Elite Network 2010-2017

Adam Howe, University of British Columbia

Micro-structural network effects of collaboration in Canadian climate change policy networks

John McLevey, University of Waterloo

Measuring and Modelling Advocacy Coalitions and Echo Chambers in Environmental Politics

Keiichi Satoh and Volker Schneider, University of Konstanz

Scientification of the Policy Domain and Evolution of the Organizational Belief: Comparing Climate Change Policy Networks in Germany and Japan

Volker Schneider, University of Konstanz

Social Differentiation in Policy-Networks: Governing Climate Change in Germany

Tuomas Ylä-Anttila, University of Helsinki

Insider strategies, outsider strategies and influence in climate change policy networks

David Tindall, University of British Columbia

Social Networks and Climate Change Policy Preferences: Structural Location and Support for Fossil Fuel Production
