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Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes

The new Erasmus+ programme generation (2021 to 2027) introduced funding of short-term group mobilities in the framework of Blended Intensive Programmes. The focus is on the development of new joint mobility curricular activities with several partner universities. In addition to a short physical mobility phase, a virtual phase of unspecified duration for joint learning is mandatory. 

Goal & purpose, time frame

  • The goal is to develop and implement joint physical mobility curricula and activities.
  • The joint physical presence phase lasts between 5 and 30 days and is used for joint learning.
  • A virtual phase used for joint online learning is mandatory. There are no time constraints for the virtual phase. It takes place before, if necessary during and/or after the physical mobility.

Requirements for the course

  • The workload corresponds to at least 3 ECTS for students, which are recorded in the Online Learning Agreement for mobile participants.
  • BIP can also be designed for staff. The workload should also correspond at least to the workload of 3 ECTS.
  • If a BIP for students takes place within the framework of a course, it must be published in the course catalog.
  • The application, selection and participation criteria must be communicated and documented transparently (for mobile students, an applicant list is to be maintained as for Erasmus+ semester stays, if FU students participate in a BIP abroad).


  • The minimum number of participants is 15 (10 in the 2024 Erasmus+ programme call). If that number ist not met, the project cannot be funded with Erasmus+ funds for organizational support.
  • There is no upper limit for the number of participants; as a guideline, up to 60 participants may be accepted.
  • Erasmus+ OS funds (Organizational Support) for financing the preparation, implementation and follow-up are limited to a maximum of 20 participants. No OS funds are granted for additional participants.
  • Participants are learners (students or staff). Staff acting as teachers in the BIP do not count towards the number of participants.
  • Participants from partner universities in partner countries outside the Erasmus+ area (see below) do not count towards the minimum number of participants.
  • Erasmus+ exchange students cannot participate in Erasmus+ Blended Intensive programs, as double funding is excluded in the Erasmus+ program.

Participating universities

  • A BIP involves at least two other universities from two other European Erasmus+ program countries (=a total of at least three universities from three Erasmus+ program countries).
  • Partners outside the Erasmus+ program countries can also be involved.


  • An Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreement (at least bilateral), specifying blended mobilities and the number of mobilities, will be agreed upon during the planning process. Multilateral agreements are not obligatory.
  • Participants' mobilities can be funded by the home universities as Erasmus+ mobilities (Erasmus+ program countries) or from other funds (partner countries outside the Erasmus+ area).
  • Erasmus+ funding conditions for student and staff mobility apply.
  • (Teaching) staff can be invited from any institution in the Programme Countries and funded by the coordinating university with Erasmus+ staff funds.

The coordinating partner university is usually also the host university. It coordinates and organizes the BIP on its own campus. The other participating partner universities send the participants to the BIP at the coordinating university. In this case, the students of the coordinating university are not mobile. The sent mobile participants receive an Erasmus+ mobility grant from the home institution (= sending institution).

The coordinating university can also be a sending partner if the BIP is carried out in another program country. In this case the coordinating unversity can send mobile participants. The mobilities are funded as short-term mobilities with Erasmus+ grants.

The partner universities whose students participate in the BIP are sending universities and plan mobility grants for their own mobile participants (short-term mobility outgoings).

Participating students can be individually selected students or entire cohorts of a study programme.

Constellation 1: FUB is the coordinating university, the BIP takes place in Berlin (FUB is the host institution). FUB Participants do not receive funding because there is no mobility. (Possible mobility grant: Invitation of guests/speakers from other institutions, not universities, from program countries. These could receive Erasmus+ grants for Staff Mobility).

Constellation 2: The FUB coordinates the BIP, but the venue of the joint short mobility phase is another university in a programme country. The FUB is coordinating and sending university (can also coordinate exclusively and not send anyone). Mobile participants of the FUB can receive Erasmus+ mobility grants.

Constellation 3: A partner university in a European programme country coordinates the BIP, the FUB participates as a partner university and sends mobile students or staff to the BIP. The participants of FUB receive a mobility grant from the FUB as sending university. The conditions of the Erasmus+ Short-term Student Mobility and/or the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility apply (see Erasmus+ BIP mobility grant).

Applications for BIPs coordinated by the FU Berlin

Application deadline: at least six months before the beginning of the semester in which the BIP is to take place.

To apply as a BIP coordinator, please submit a project description to Anne Mbakwe (by email: anne.mbakwe@fu-berlin.de) via the respective decentralized Erasmus+ coordination. The time and financing plan as well as the partners involved should already be determined at this point.

Ideally, you should inform us about your needs as early as possible, even if the project description cannot be finalized yet, so that we can apply for a realistic number of BIPs with the overall application to the DAAD, if necessary.

After approval, the OS funds will be made available for the implementation of the BIP. You will receive concrete instructions on how to use the funds (see also "Funding"). You carry out the BIP and involve us in the payments with OS funds.

After carrying out the BIP, a detailed project report on the BIP is to be submitted.

Formular Projektbeschreibung/Antragsformular BIP

Applications for short-term mobilities

Participation of FU students and/or staff in BIPs of other universities.

If you would like to send FU students or staff to a BIP at a partner university that you are not coordinating yourself, please notify us of your plans as early as possible via PDF form, at least four months before the start of the BIP, so that we can schedule the mobilities. After submitting the form, the Erasmus+ team will provide further information on the procedure, on how to submit the Online Learning Agreement (for mobile students), and on the administration of the mobility grants.

Participating Staff and teaching staff have to apply for Erasmus+ grants seperately. Only participating staff will be counted towards the minimum number of participants in a BIP which the coordinating institution needs to meet to be eligible for Erasmus+ funding for the organization of a BIP (BIP Organizational support).

After the BIP has been conducted, participants who received a mobility grant (FU mobile students/staff participating in BIP abroad) complete the EU Survey. FU participants also complete a group report.

Formular Kurzzeitmobilitäten für Teilnahme an BIP anderer Universitäten

Related Links

Organizational Support

For the preparation, implementation and follow-up of a BIP, the coordinating partner can apply for OS (Organzational Support) funds with the Erasmus+ overall application: 400€ per participant for 10 to 20 people, so that the budget is 4.000€ to 8.000€. The OS funds can be used for personnel costs, rental costs, material, communication, activities, excursions during the preparation, implementation and follow-up of the BIP.

If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the project cannot be financed with OS funds.

Mobile students and mobile staff will be supported by the sending university with Erasmus+ grants for short-term student mobility and for staff mobility respectively (see below: "Mobility grant"). If students or staff of Freie Universität participate in BIP abroad, mobility grants can be applied for at the Erasmus+ team.

For the stay abroad possible funding for mobile students is composed as follows:

Duration of Mobility Mobility grant Possible additional grants for
"fewer opportunities" *
Possible addtional grants
for sustainable travel

5-14 days physical mobility

70 Euro per day

if applicable, additionally
one-time 100 Euro

if applicable, additionally
one-time 50 Euro

15-30 days physical mobility

50 Euro per day

if applicable, additionally
one-time 150 Euro

if applicable, additionally
one-time 50 Euro

* participants with fewer opportunities are:

  • Students with child/ren,
  • Students with disabilities (from GdB 20),
  • students with chronic illnesses,
  • Students from non-academic families (both parents or caregivers do not have a degree from a university or university of applied sciences),
  • employed students (at least 6 months of continuous employment before the start of the stay abroad, monthly net salary above 450€ and below 850€, employment pauses while abroad).

If several target group characteristics apply (e.g. first-time graduate and employed student): the top-up amount can only be paid for one target group characteristic, i.e. it cannot be combined.

No subsidy will be paid for the period of the virtual phase.

Information on how to apply for mobility grants for students can be found under "Application".

Mobility grant for staff

Staff participating as learners in a BIP or acting as teachers can apply for a mobility grant under Erasmus+ Staff Mobility or Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility.