Important Dates
Berlin Science Week 2024
1 – 10 NOVEMBER 2024
Location: CAMPUS im Museum für Naturkunde Berlin Science Culture FORUM am Holzmarkt 25
Liaison Office São Paulo: EuroPosgrados Mexiko 2024
Location: Mexico City and León (Guanajuato)
Erasmus+ Information Day
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Silberlaube: Seminarzentrum Raum L113 + Foyer Mensa FU II, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26, 14195 Berlin
Erasmus+ Infotag
Are you interested in a stay abroad during your studies?
Una Europa General Assembly
Location: Bologna
Una Europa Lecture goes Berlin Science Week
Location: Museum of Natural History, Deep Dive forum
(in German) Meet&Eat Event on 01.11.2024 by IEC - International Education for Global Minds
Location: Underground Clubhouse, Neue Schönhauser Str. 19 (3. Hinterhof), 10178 Berlin
The EU and Georgia - what are the consequences of the election? SCRIPTS Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script” (SCRIPTS) analyzes the results of the parliamentary elections in Georgia
Location: Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Berlin, Unter den Linden 78, 10117 Berlin
International Dialogue on Education
The workshop series ID-E Berlin International Dialogue on Education was established in 2007 as a joint initiative of the British Council Germany, the German Academic Exchange Service, the German-American Fulbright Commission, the Australian Group of Eight, the Embassy of Canada to Germany and the Freie Universität Berlin. Through the contributions of international participants the series aims to enrich the debate on science, research and higher education policy in Germany, to place German perspectives in a global context and to learn from positive examples from other countries. This year's event is titled “Exploring Difference: Building Resilient Academic Institutions. Speakers from the UK, the US and Germany will convene for an interactive, in-depth afternoon panel discussion, chaired by Jan-Martin Wiarda. Please register here: Registration in English: Registration in German: Contact Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Büro Berlin Viktoria Hofmann Tel: +49 (0)30 – 20 22 08 30 Email:
Location: Change Hub Berlin, Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin
International Dialogue on Education Berlin (ID-E)
Location: Change Hub Berlin, Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin
Una Europa Staff Week
Location: Uniwersytet Jagielloński in Kraków
Instructional Design of COIL: An Evidence-Based Approach.
On October 17, 2024, the HWR Berlin invites lecturers to the event in the series »Gute Lehre zukunftsfähig gestalten« starting at 4 p.m.
Academic Freedom and Science Diplomacy: How to deal with new risks in international cooperation and global inequalities in academia?
Location: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Unter den Linden 8), Wilhelm-von-Humboldt-Saal
Berlin Program Alumni Panel at the GSA Conference 2024
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Workshop: Una Europa Task Force Sustainability and Climate Protection
Biodiversity management in universities - what strategies do exist? An peer-to-peer learning event. In this online session members from all Una Europa partner institutions working in Sustainability Units come together to discuss biodiversity management in higher education institutions. An input about existing strategies and important measures will be presented by Rebecca Rongstock, biodiversity manager at FU Berlin. Moreover an input from researchers from Universidad Complutense Madrid about their research-oriented teaching with monitoring biodiversity on campus will highlight an student-centered approach to biodiversity management. Moreover there will be time to discuss different approaches as this session is a starting point for upcoming biodiversity events and activities within Una Europa. Early 2025 FU Berlin is planning to host a workshop on biodiversity where experts from that field come together to create higher impact through the european alliance Una Europa for more biodiversity on our campuses
Location: Online via Webex
Una Europa: Online Introductory Language Courses
Location: Online
Fostering Scientific International Cooperation in the Amazon
Location: Embassy of Brazil in Berlin (Wallstr. 57 – 10179 Berlin)
Liason Office Cairo: Deutsche Auslandsschulen Studieninformationstag
Location: DEO Kairo
Seminar and Panel Discussion on “Digital Humanities and Infrastructures: Tools, Archives, and Theory
The India offices of Freie Universität Berlin and Heidelberg University in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Indore are organising a seminar on the topic Digital Humanities And Infrastructures: Tools, Archives And Theory on September 18-19, 2024 at IIT Indore Campus. This 1.5 day event - Seminar & Panel Discussion aims to bring together scholars, practitioners, and enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds to collectively explore the intersection of humanities and digital technologies, focusing on the tools and archives that are transforming research and theory in this growing field. We aim to provide students with a deeper understanding of how digital infrastructures are shaping humanistic inquiry in the 21st century. Key Highlights: - Seminar (Day 1) on using digital tools for humanities research - Panel discussion (Day 2) with experts from academic institutions from across the globe - Opportunities for networking and Q&A with professionals and scholars in digital humanities Event Details: - Date: September 18-19, 2024 - Time: 9.00 am – 17.00 hrs (September 18) and 10:00 - 12:30 hrs (September 19) - Venue: Indian Institute of Technology Indore ( ) - Registration Link: This will be a great opportunity for researchers and students pursuing master courses who are interested in digital humanities, media studies, data analysis and related fields to expand their knowledge and engage with scholars, practitioners, and enthusiasts from these fields.
Location: Indian Institute of Technology Indore
BeCOIL complementary program for cooperation in international projects
Our complementary program offers a laid-back environment for students to share their experiences in intercultural project work in three meetings. We use the experiences and impressions of all participants to gain practical tips for our own projects and to learn from each other. At the first meeting in May ( Thu. 02.05. from 17:15 - 19:30) (online) we will get to know each other and discuss cultural competencies and how "good" online communication can succeed in international projects. We will also look at possible challenges that may arise. At the second meeting at the beginning of June (Thurs. 06.06. from 16:15 - 17:45) (online) we will exchange initial experiences in order to be able to address possible challenges during the COIL projects. At the last meeting in July ( Wed. 17.07. from 18:15 - 19:45) (face-to-face event) we will see each other live. So bring a cool soda with you! Together we will take another look at your projects and also consider how the experience you have gained can be useful for your future academic career. You might even come up with concrete plans for implementing new ideas! And here is a direct link to the moodle course:
Wissenschaftsdiplomatie – Was kann Universität in Zeiten von sich verschärfenden Konflikten leisten?
Die Arabistik lädt ein zum Vortrag mit anschließender kritischer Diskussion: Wissenschaftsdiplomatie – Was kann Universität in Zeiten von sich verschärfenden Konflikten leisten? Wissenschaft und Bildung im Irak stärken: Grenzen und Potenziale von Wissenschaftsdiplomatie Prof. Dr. Heike Wendt (Universität Graz) Wissenschaft ist ein globales öffentliches Gut und inklusive, demokratische und nachhaltige Lösungen für Schlüsselprobleme unserer Zeit lassen sich nur in einem weltweiten Wissenschaftssystem finden. Die Erforschung von Menschheits- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Auswirkungen von Klimawandel, Krieg und Sanktionen auf Natur und Gesellschaft lassen sich ohne eine Betrachtung des Iraks nicht valide erforschen. Zukunftsweisende Forschung verlangt ein Engagement jenseits der Feldpflege, um die Voraussetzungen für einen gleichberechtigten wissenschaftlichen Diskurs zu sichern, an dem Expert*innen auf Augenhöhe teilnehmen können. Hier kann Wissenschaftsdiplomatie einen wichtigen Beitrag leisten. Prof. Dr. Heike Wendt verantwortet seit zehn Jahren Bildungspartnerschaften mit Universitäten im Nordirak. Anschließend Podiumsdiskussion mit Prof. Dr. Elke Sh. Hartmann (Freie Universität Berlin, Osmanistik und Turkologie), Prof. Dr. Konstantin M. Klein (Universität Amsterdam; AGYA); Dr. Florian Kohstall (Freie Universität Berlin, Center for International Cooperation; AGYA). Moderation: Prof. Dr. Isabel Toral (Freie Universität Berlin, Arabistik, BGSMCS) Rahmenprogramm : Memory Spaces – Impressionen einer Reise (Fotos)
Location: Raum -1.2009 (Großer Hörsaal), Holzlaube, Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem.
“Rethinking global challenges – Sustainable Energies” - workshop and networking event
Location: EINS - Innovationsplattform und Coworkingspace Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin
3rd annual symposium of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership: Futures – new knowledge for a complex world
In a world of constant change, there is a pressing need for all of us to re-imagine likely challenges and scenarios to address the future. Are we equipped to do just that? While global challenges like climate change and migration need global solutions, we are in danger of returning to the old world of geopolitical rivalry, capitalist instability, nationalist self-assertion, and major wars. As Einstein said, “we cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” – but we are in danger of doing just that. In this event, thinkers from Berlin, Oxford and beyond are coming together in the iconic Humboldt Forum to look at likely futures for a complex world where the ‘old’ and the ‘new’ interact uneasily. They chart the move from global challenges to planetary imperatives and the impact of new technologies and of new forms of knowledge (on democratic development, on health, on new forms of energy and ideas of social organisation and the built environment as well as utopias). We would like to invite you to join us on Wednesday, 3 July 2024 at the Humboldt-Forum for an allday programme looking at different aspects of ‘futures’ in our joint research disciplines: STEM, the Medical Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Arts and Humanities. Please find the programme attached and register for the event by 21 June.
Location: Humboldt-Forum, Schlossplatz 1, 10178 Berlin
Frankreich Cocktail - Preparatory seminar
Location: Institut Français in Berlin (Kurfürstendamm 211, 10719 Berlin)
Una Europa Summer School on “Sustainability in communication and education. Spreading the word and creating awareness”
What is it about? The Università di Bologna is organizing a Una Europa Summer School on the topic "Sustainability in Communication and Education. Spreading the Word and Creating Awareness" which will take place from 1-5 July 2024 in Bologna. Researchers from the Una Europa partner universities in Bologna, Berlin, Dublin, Helsinki, Leuven, and Madrid will offerlectures, workshops, and field trips to doctoral researchers. What is in it for me? PhD students and doctoral researchers from FU Berlin and Una Europa partner universities can exchange ideas on topics related to sustainability communication and education. Applications to the Summer School open on 15 March. Costs for travel to and accommodation/support during the summer school will be funded through Erasmus. The number of spots for this funding are limited. A participation through self-funding can be eligible and has to be evaluated on a on a case-by-case basis. English level B2 is recommended. How does it work? Applications are coordinated decentrally by the partner universities. Doctoral researchers at Freie Universität Berlin are asked to send the filled out application form until 10 April to the Una Europa team at FU Berlin: The application form asks for details of the applicant including academic discipline and field of research, as well as a short letter of motivation. Please also add your résumé / curriculum vitae to your application. Any questions can be send to the Una Europa team via the above-mentioned email. Continue here: Updated information on the Una Europa Summer School as well as the program can be found on the website of Università di Bologna .
Conference | Queer Contemporary Histories - International and Intersectional Perspectives
Location: Henry-Ford-Bau Garystraße 35 14195 Berlin
WorldCafé: PhD Pathways – Which scholarship should I apply for?
Location: online
Studying to become a teacher? Info session (hybrid)
Location: in person event: Studierenden-Service-Center (Raum K009) Iltisstraße 4, 14195 Berlin
Cultural Heritage - Get-Together
Location: Online
Open Door Talk for Doctoral Researchers
Location: Dahlem Research School, Hittorfstraße 16, Room 004
Freie Universität Berlin Cairo Liaison Office: "Studying and Doing Research at Freie Universität Berlin" at South Vally University
Location: South Vally University
Freie Universität Berlin Cairo Liaison Office: "Studying and Doing Research at Freie Universität Berlin"
Location: Luxor University
Go-Out-Tag: Direktaustausch Nordamerika & California System
Zielgruppe: Studierende. Eine Anmdeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Go-Out-Tag: Going Abroad - Freie Universität Berlin Exchange Programs (EN)
For students. Registration is not required.
Go-Out-Tag: Direktaustausch Osteuropa & Zentralasien
Zielgruppe: Studierende. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Go-Out-Tag: Direktaustausch Asien
Zielgruppe: Studierende. Eine Anmdeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Go-Out-Tag: Studierendenaustausch im Vereinigten Königreich
Zielgruppe: Studierende. Eine Anmdeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Go-Out-Tag: Education USA
Zielgruppe: Studierende. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Go-Out-Tag: DRS Open Doors Talk - Going Abroad (EN)
For doctoral researchers and those who want to become doctoral researchers.
Go-Out-Tag: Austauschmöglichkeiten der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Zielgruppe: Studierende. Eine Anmdeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Go-Out-Tag: PROMOS - Fördermöglichkeiten
Zielgruppe: Studierende. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Go-Out-Tag: Erasmus+ - Auslandsstudium in Europa
Zielgruppe: Studierende. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Go-Out-Tag: Austauschprogramme der Freien Universität Berlin - Wege ins Ausland
Zielgruppe: Studierende. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Global Faculty lokal: Möglichkeiten der internationalen Lehr- und Forschungskooperationen
Zielgruppe: Lehrende; Beschäftigte
Academic Writing in German | Online Certificate Course @FUB-ContinuEd (DE/EN)
For international students and doctoral candidates of all disciplines. No registration required.
Internationale hybride und digitale Lehrszenarien, virtuelle Mobilität und Internationalisierung zu Hause
Zielgruppe: Beschäftigte, Lehrende.
Verbesserung der Vorbereitung/Betreuung internationaler Zielgruppen durch digitales Coaching (Distributed Campus)
Zielgruppe: Beschäftigte, Lehrende.
Citizens of the World. Academic Freedom in a Global Perspective (EN)
For all interested parties. Registration is required.
Academic Writing in German | Online Certificate Course @FUB-ContinuEd (DE/EN)
For international students and doctoral candidates of all disciplines. No registration required.
BUA: Living Together or Living Separately? – Indian University Spaces and their Neighborhoods
On May 17th, Anna Schnieder-Krüger will hold a lecture on the topic of “Living Together or Living Separately? Indian University Spaces and their Neighborhoods”. For further information, please view the event poster via the link: This event is part of the RePLITO lecture and conversation series Dwelling Together: Urban Housing, Neighborliness and Multilocal Homemaking, sponsored by Berlin University Alliance.
Location: HU Berlin, room 315 (third floor) at IAAW, Invalidenstr. 118
Alumni Event in Israel
Location: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
International Alumni Workshop 2022
Location: Berlin
International Alumni Workshop 2022
Location: Berlin
Panel Discussion: Engines of Sustainable Innovation - How Start-ups Challenge the Status Quo
Location: Berlin
International Alumni Workshop 2021
Location: Berlin
Research in Exile: Recent Histories of Displaced Scholarship
Location: Henry Ford Building Lecute Hall A Gary Street 35 14195 Berlin