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Applications for BIPs coordinated by the FU Berlin

Application deadline: at least six months before the beginning of the semester in which the BIP is to take place.

To apply as a BIP coordinator, please submit a project description to Anne Mbakwe (by email: anne.mbakwe@fu-berlin.de) via the respective decentralized Erasmus+ coordination. The time and financing plan as well as the partners involved should already be determined at this point.

Ideally, you should inform us about your needs as early as possible, even if the project description cannot be finalized yet, so that we can apply for a realistic number of BIPs with the overall application to the DAAD, if necessary.

After approval, the OS funds will be made available for the implementation of the BIP. You will receive concrete instructions on how to use the funds (see also "Funding"). You carry out the BIP and involve us in the payments with OS funds.

After carrying out the BIP, a detailed project report on the BIP is to be submitted.

Formular Projektbeschreibung/Antragsformular BIP

Applications for short-term mobilities

Participation of FU students and/or staff in BIPs of other universities.

If you would like to send FU students or staff to a BIP at a partner university that you are not coordinating yourself, please notify us of your plans as early as possible via PDF form, at least four months before the start of the BIP, so that we can schedule the mobilities. After submitting the form, the Erasmus+ team will provide further information on the procedure, on how to submit the Online Learning Agreement (for mobile students), and on the administration of the mobility grants.

Participating Staff and teaching staff have to apply for Erasmus+ grants seperately. Only participating staff will be counted towards the minimum number of participants in a BIP which the coordinating institution needs to meet to be eligible for Erasmus+ funding for the organization of a BIP (BIP Organizational support).

After the BIP has been conducted, participants who received a mobility grant (FU mobile students/staff participating in BIP abroad) complete the EU Survey. FU participants also complete a group report.

Formular Kurzzeitmobilitäten für Teilnahme an BIP anderer Universitäten