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Mobility grant for participation in BIP coordinated by other universities

For the stay abroad possible funding for mobile students is composed as follows:

Duration of Mobility Mobility grant Possible additional grants for
"fewer opportunities" *
Possible addtional grants
for sustainable travel

5-14 days physical mobility

70 Euro per day

if applicable, additionally
one-time 100 Euro

if applicable, additionally
one-time 50 Euro

15-30 days physical mobility

50 Euro per day

if applicable, additionally
one-time 150 Euro

if applicable, additionally
one-time 50 Euro

* participants with fewer opportunities are:

  • Students with child/ren,
  • Students with disabilities (from GdB 20),
  • students with chronic illnesses,
  • Students from non-academic families (both parents or caregivers do not have a degree from a university or university of applied sciences),
  • employed students (at least 6 months of continuous employment before the start of the stay abroad, monthly net salary above 450€ and below 850€, employment pauses while abroad).

If several target group characteristics apply (e.g. first-time graduate and employed student): the top-up amount can only be paid for one target group characteristic, i.e. it cannot be combined.

No subsidy will be paid for the period of the virtual phase.

Information on how to apply for mobility grants for students can be found under "Application".

Mobility grant for staff

Staff participating as learners in a BIP or acting as teachers can apply for a mobility grant under Erasmus+ Staff Mobility or Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility.