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National Model United Nations 2004, FU Berlin

Freie Universität Berlin - Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft
und die
UNi-Gruppe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen, Lv. Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.

Final Session of the High-Level Panel on Global Security Threats

Location: Freie Universität Berlin
Date: 25 - 26 November 2004

We cordially invite interested students from all faculties to participate in the second and final session of the UN High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change Simulation. The High-Level Panel was established by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in November 2003.
According to the terms of reference, the 16 members of the Panel are asked to recommend "clear and practical measures for ensuring effective collective responses to the common security problems and challenges facing Member States, based upon a rigorous analysis of future threats to peace and security, an appraisal of the contribution that collective action can make, and a thorough assessment of existing approaches, instruments and mechanisms, including the principal organs of the United Nations". They will submit their final report to the Secretary General in December 2004. The Panel at the Freie Universität Berlin started the drafting process on 4 - 5 March and presented a draft report which is to be finalized in the final session in November 2004.
For further information on the March session please visit http://www.uni-gruppe.de; for further information on the Panel visit http://www.un-globalsecurity.org.

Members of the High-Level Panel are: Anand Panyarachun (Thailand), Robert Badinter (France), João Clemente Baena Soares (Brazil), Gro Harlem Brundtland (Norway), Mary Chinery-Hesse (Ghana), Gareth Evans (Australia), David Hannay (United Kingdom), Enrique Iglesias (Uruguay), Amre Moussa (Egypt), Satish Nambiar (India), Sadako Ogata (Japan), Yevgeny Primakov (Russian Federation), Qian Qichen (China), Nafis Sadik (Pakistan), Salim Ahmed Salim (Tanzania), Brent Scowcroft (United States).

There will be 16 teams representing the members of the Panel, each consisting of 2-3 students. For preparation purposes the participants will be provided with a Background Guide, which contains information on the members of the High-Level Panel and the main challenges to Global Security today and in the future, the draft report from the first session, the Rules of Procedure and other important documents. The participants are responsible for the preparation of their respective positions. There will be two mandatory Preparatory Meetings on 28 October 2004 (18-20h) and 18 November (18-20h) with an introduction to the session and the Rules of Procedure. For the documents as well as for catering there will be a delegate fee of € 15,00. Conference language will be English.

Application shall include:

  • Name, address, email, studies, semester
  • 3 team preferences
  • Short explanation of motivation (in English)

Application via email only: annika.wandscher@rewiss.fu-berlin.de and Security2004@uni-gruppe.de

Application deadline: 21 October 2004

Contact Addresses

Wiss. Mitarb. Annika Wandscher & Anita Kreutz
Model United Nations
Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Kunig (FB Rechtswissenschaft)
E-Mail: annika.wandscher@rewiss.fu-berlin.de, anita.kreutz@rewiss.fu-berlin.de Tel.: (030)838-54731/-53013
Timo Mahn
UNi-Gruppe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen, Lv. Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
Homepage: http://www.uni-gruppe.de E-Mail: security2004@uni-gruppe.de

HINWEIS: Scheinerwerb ist möglich.