Sponsoren der HNMUN 2006 Delegation
We thank the following persons, companies and institutions for their financial and/or academic support of our participation at the Harvard National Model United Nations 2006:
Federal Foreign Office, Berlin
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Bonn
UNA-Germany, Berlin-Brandenburg Chapter
Freie Universität Berlin
Ms. Swati Dave, United Nations Department of Public Information, New York
Embassy of Bangladesh, Berlin
Mr. Hermann Nicolai, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin
Dr. Wedigo de Vivanco, International Affairs Division, Freie Universität Berlin
Lufthansa City Center, AP Travel Service Pankow, Berlin
UNi-Gruppe of UNA-Germany, Berlin-Brandenburg Chapter
Ms. Pera Wells, World Federation of United Nations Associations, New York
The team of ‘Clash’