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Delegation 2009

Die Delegation Australiens

National Model United Nations

7. - 11. April 2009

New York City

General Assembly Plenary
Pete Burgess
Dominik Köhler

General Assembly First Committee
Florian Lewerenz
Kristina Werner

General Assembly Second Committee
Isabell Nagel
Miriam Reuschel

General Assembly Third Committee
Christina Tahamtan
Santiago Gómez Rojas

Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND)
Lucas Skupin
Tadgh Stumpf

Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)
Christoph Berkemeier
Paul Schmidt

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
Kristina Schwerdfeger
Robert Schmidt
Franziska Weil

Food and Agriculture Organization (Council)
Boris Barth

United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
Nicola Shiels

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Executive Committee (UNHCR)
Gisela Hirschmann
Marlene Micha

World Trade Organization (WTO)
Anne Zimmer
Suleika Suntken

Wir danken allen Sponsoren und Förderern der NMUN 2009 Delegation!

Committee Topics NMUN 2009

Website der FU NMUN 2009 Delegation


DGVN, Landesverband Berlin-Brandenburg (Hrsg.): National Model United Nations 2009, Report of the Participation of Freie Universität Berlin, representing Australia, 7 - 11 April 2009, New York City. UN-Forum 2/2009.

Erhältlich bei der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen, Landesverband Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.