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International academic collaboration: The back door remedy to a global crisis?!

13.10.2020 | 14:00

COVID-19 has without a doubt negatively impacted international academic and research collaborations in various ways. Researchers from all around the world have witnessed a limited or complete interruption of their mobility and hence also part of their activities. Nevertheless, the virus has also revealed that there is a mounting necessity of sustained cross-border research networks, which are crucial for academic and research institutions to complement their expertise and scientific reach across closed borders.

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Freie Universität Berlin Cairo Liaison office, we are delighted to organize this Webinar: “International academic collaboration: the backdoor remedy to a global crisis?!” which will take place online on Tuesday, 13th October 2020 from 2pm till 3.30pm. This webinar will highlight the efforts that have been exerted as well as the challenges that have been faced during these unprecedented times by researchers but also by higher education institutions to leverage the complementary expertise within their own national borders and beyond.

Over ten years, the Cairo Liaison Office of Freie Universität Berlin has succeeded in establishing and strengthening collaborations between FU Berlin and its partner universities in the region while keeping track of scientific developments. Distinguished representatives from partner universities in Egypt and Lebanon will provide their insights on the complexity of doing cross-border research and the significance of research networks in times of crises.

If you are interested to attend this webinar, please register here https://forms.gle/JWJZYbhg4XCLU4Eg6
