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Workshop on Communication Studies in Interregional Perspectives: Developments and Challenges in Research and Teaching

Workshop  for Arab and German Communication Studies scholars. June, 29 – July, 7, 2013 in Berlin/Germany

News vom 30.06.2013

The recent and ongoing political developments in many Arab countries have given rise to important questions and new challenges that are highly relevant for communication and media studies globally. The exchange between Arab and German scholars is meant to give new impulses for the research in the scholars' different local and regional settings. In this context, it is important to open up the perspective of western communication studies in a post-colonial sense by considering Arab scholars' perspectives at eye level.


Twenty-four participants from five Arab countries discuss and exchange their experiences, needs and challenges in teaching and research, among themselves as well as with German scholars. The 7-days-workshop is the starting point for a long-term and sustainable networking process between the participants themselves and also between the participating universities and institutes.

More information's can be obtained here->
