3 Postdoctoral Scholarships at the Graduate School of North American Studies!
News vom 17.12.2012
Within the framework of the “Einstein Visiting Fellows” program of the Einstein Foundation Berlin, the Graduate School of the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies at Freie Universität Berlin has set up a work group under the title „Rethinking Crisis“, directed by Prof. Nancy Fraser (New School for Social Research, New York).
Within this project, three Postdoctoral Scholarships are granted for the period of April 1, 2013 until December 31, 2014.
The scholarship amounts to 2.000 € per month. It is granted for the development of a research project within the project „Rethinking Crisis ”. Applicants must hold a doctorate in Political Science, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Philosophy, Law or related subjects. Very good command of English is presupposed and background in American studies is a plus.
Applications, in English and including a short outline of the planned research project, CV and copies of earned university degrees, must be sent electronically (pdf-files) by January 20, 2013 to both of the following addresses:
Information about the Graduate School of North American Studies can be found under www.gsnas.fu-berlin.de