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M.A. International Relations Online. Apply now!

News vom 23.12.2014

The Center for Global Politics at Freie Universität Berlin is again inviting applications for the M.A. International Relations Online (IRO). The innovative program promotes understanding, flexible learning, and offers excellent guidance by dedicated scholars. IRO enhances your career prospects and opens up new professional networks for you.

International Relations Online offers:

  • A degree from German University of Excellence
  • Flexible blended-learning that allows you to stay on the job whilst pursuing your degree
  • Rewarding in-house classes where you will meet your peers and explore the fascinating city of Berlin twice a year
  • An innovative, web-based learning environment
  • The opportunity to choose your own study focus in either Global Politics or Area Studies
  • Excellent career opportunities in the global arena
  • A sustainable network of experts and alumni all over the world
The program starts in October 2015. Online applications are welcome through March 31, 2015.

Further information can be obtained here.
