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EXC 2020: Call for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows 2022

 -DEADLINE EXTENDED- New Deadline for Application is September 15, 2021

News vom 08.09.2021

The Cluster of Excellence Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective aims to create a new theoretical and methodological take on literature in a global perspective that moves beyond the categories of nation and period and conceives of literature instead as a transcultural and transtemporal phenomenon in deep time. Introducing the notion of ‘temporal communities’, the Cluster investigates the ways in which literature reaches out through space and time and establishes extensive transtemporal networks in which the notion of literature itself is constantly re-constituted as it interacts with other arts and media and develops temporalities of its own.

For the year 2022 the Cluster invites fellows working in the field of literary studies and/or related disciplines to spend a period of stay at Freie Universität Berlin:

► 3–6 months
► Period of stay: January – December 2022

► 6 months
► Period of stay:
- Summer term: April – September 2022
- Winter term: October 2022 – March 2023

Application Deadline is June 30, 2021
Please send your application by email to fellows2022@temporalcommunities.de as a single pdf document. The letter of recommendation may be submitted separately.

Call for Applications:

Doctoral Fellowships 2022

Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022

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