Elsa-Neumann-Scholarships 2019
Full-time, part-time, and completion grants for doctoral candidates. Deadline: 05 April 2019
News vom 01.03.2019
The Elsa-Neumann-Program, the official scholarship scheme for doctoral candidates of the city of Berlin, invites applications for full-time, part-time, and completion grants.
Pursuant to the Berlin state Act on the Promotion of Junior Achievement in Academic, Scientific and Artistic Fields (Gesetz zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Nachwuchses), scholarships are awarded for doctoral students as well as for the completion of dissertations (in the final stages) that are being written at one of the universities in Berlin.
Conditions for Receipt of Aid
Applicants must be able to demonstrate performance that far exceeds the average, especially in their undergraduate degrees. There must be reason to expect that applicants’ academic projects will make a significant contribution to the body of research in the field. Applications must be accompanied by documentation of the student’s qualifications, a statement from his or her supervising professor, and a working plan that shows the reasons the student has chosen the particular topic, the status of preliminary work on the project, an outline of the research project, and a schedule for the implementation of the project. Applicants must not have already received earlier public funding for the same project.
Application Deadlines
There are two deadlines per year, one in April and one in November. The next deadline: 05 April 2019.
Successful applicants begin receiving funding on April 1 or July 1 of the year.
Scope of Aid
The base scholarship is 1000 euros per month, plus a lump-sum allowance of 103 euros for the costs of materials. It is possible to be granted special allowances for travel costs. Scholarships are initially granted for a period of up to two years. Each student is required to submit a report on his or her work and a statement from his or her academic supervisor at the end of the first and second years of the scholarship. Aid is granted for a maximum period of three years. Scholarships for completion of the dissertation are granted for a maximum of one year, without any possibility of extension. Grantees are required to devote the vast majority of their time and energies to the work for which they are receiving aid.
How Scholarships are Granted
Scholarships are granted based on the decisions made by the inter-university Commission for the Allocation of Doctoral Grants (Kommission zur Vergabe von Promotionsstipendien), whose members are appointed by the Senator for Education, Science, and Research.
Freie Universität Berlin
Thielallee 38
D-14195 Berlin
(proposals of Freie Universität Berlin and Technische Universität Berlin)
Office hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday 9 to 12 a.m.
Tel.: ++49 30 838-73641
E-mail: nafoeg-stipendium@zuv.fu-berlin.de
Internet: Information Broschure,Instructions for Reviewers, Application Form