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Safety Operation Instructions

German so-called "Betriebsanweisungen" (BA) (roughly translated "Safety Operation Instructions") represent a subset of the internationally more common SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) specialised on safety. They are an important - and legally required - means of informing co-workers and students about hazards, protective measures and directives, first aid and disposal on using working equipment. They have to be worded in a language understood by the employees and made readily accessible.

The documents implement a color code to indicate the category of hazards and the underlying law:

  • RED - Hazardous substances (GefStoffV)
  • BLUE - Machinery/equipment (BetrSichV)
  • PINK - Biological agents (BioStoffV)
  • GREEN - Water endangering substances (VAWS)
  • YELLOW - Genetic engineering (GenTSV)

In the following we compiled some samples of "Betriebsanweisungen" (BAs) in English.

Please note that these templates may not be used unchanged, but have to be adapted to the conditions on-site and put into effect by signature of the superior.

Templates for safety operation instructions for hazardous substances

Sample safety operation instructions for hazardous substances

Safety Operation Instructions for single substances can be prepared with fuBA (login with CLAKS account).

Safety operation instructions for hazardous wastes

 are available on the page of the Sustainability & Energy Unit.

Template for safety operation instructions for biological agents